
Pact V3 Tracking Issue

YOU54F opened this issue · 0 comments

We would like to implement Pact V3 Specification support for Pact Ruby

Current status

  • Initial 3.0.0 support for asynchronous message pact via pact-message-ruby
  • Initial support for providerStates
    • ⚠️ Currently only supports the first providerStates array entry
    • ⚠️ Currently does not support providerStates params

Required V3 Features

  • Generators
    • Partially implemented in #273
  • Matchers
  • Provider States
    • Support providerStates array and params.
  • HTTP V3 support
  • Block any unsupported features for versions less than V3

Implementation notes

  • Strong consideration should be made for incorporating pact_ffi functionality (see #317) rather than re-implementing in ruby


V3 Related Issues

Will be tagging and closing related v3/v4 issues, and linking to this meta issue

V3 Generators

Generator Attributes Description Example JSON
RandomInt min, max Generates a random integer value between min and max values { "type": "RandomInt", "min": 0, "max": 2147483647 }
RandomDecimal digits Generates a random decimal value (BigDecimal) with the provided number of digits { "type": "RandomDecimal", "digits": 6 }
RandomHexadecimal digits Generates a random hexadecimal value (String) with the provided number of digits { "type": "RandomHexadecimal", "digits": 8 }
RandomString size Generates a random string value of the provided size characters { "type": "RandomString", "size": 20 }
Regex regex Generates a random string value from the provided regular expression { "type": "Regex", "regex": "\\d{1,8}" }
Uuid Generates a random UUID value (simple format) { "type": "Uuid" }
Date format (Optional) Generates a Date value from the current date either in ISO format or using the provided format string { "type": "Date", "format": "MM/dd/yyyy" }
Time format (Optional) Generates a Time value from the current time either in ISO format or using the provided format string { "type": "Time", "format": "HH:mm" }
DateTime format (Optional) Generates a Date and Time (timestamp) value from the current date and time either in ISO format or using the provided format string { "type": "DateTime", "format": "yyyy/MM/dd - HH:mm:ss.S" }
Boolean Generates a random boolean value { "type": "RandomBoolean" }

V3 Matchers

matcher Spec Version example configuration description
Include V3 { "match": "include", "value": "substr" } This checks if the string representation of a value contains the substring.
Integer V3 { "match": "integer" } This checks if the type of the value is an integer.
Decimal V3 { "match": "decimal" } This checks if the type of the value is a number with decimal places.
Number V3 { "match": "number" } This checks if the type of the value is a number.
Timestamp V3 { "match": "datetime", "format": "yyyy-MM-dd HH:ss:mm" } Matches the string representation of a value against the datetime format
Time V3 { "match": "time", "format": "HH:ss:mm" } Matches the string representation of a value against the time format
Date V3 { "match": "date", "format": "yyyy-MM-dd" } Matches the string representation of a value against the date format
Null V3 { "match": "null" } Match if the value is a null value (this is content specific, for JSON will match a JSON null)
Boolean V3 { "match": "boolean" } Match if the value is a boolean value (booleans and the string values true and false)
ContentType V3 { "match": "contentType", "value": "image/jpeg" } Match binary data by its content type (magic file check)
Values V3 { "match": "values" } Match the values in a map, ignoring the keys