
BDCT examples for OpenAPI documents with logical keywords

MIT LicenseMIT

PactFlow BDCT examples

This repository showcases use cases and features in OpenAPI, how they are compared to pact files and in some cases, how to ensure you get the most out of the comparison checks.

Example Problem
oneOf How to properly use oneOf logical operator
anyOf How to properly use anyOf logical operator
inheritance How to properly use allOf with discriminator to leverage schema inheritance
Media Types How to use media types on requests to differentiate request body schemas, using the Content-Type header
Content Negotiation How to use content negotiation on responses to differentiate expected response body schemas, using the Accept header
Security How to use Authentication and security schemes
Parameters Understanding request Parameter use cases
Forms, Uploads and Binary Forms, uploads and binary request content use cases
XML XML content use cases
Servers How to test with the use of servers
Negative Testing How to test negative scenarios such as 40x and 50x responses
Additional Properties How to allow additionalProperties in your types