
One of my favorite full-stack projects

Primary LanguageTypeScript


With "react-query-demo", you can browse through fictional posts made by fictional users, explore by tags, and create your own post. Main features are infinite scrolling, pagination, and skeleton loading. The app follows a design similar to Dev.to or other developer blogs, but with a much simpler data model.

Tech Stack

  • React: A JavaScript library for building user interfaces
  • Bootstrap: A popular CSS framework for responsive web design
  • Tanstack Query: A powerful state management solution for React, used to be called React-Query
  • Faker.js: A library for creating all kinds of test data which I use to seed the database
  • Typescript: A statically typed superset of JavaScript that compiles to plain JavaScript
  • Express: A web application framework for Node.js
  • Prisma ORM: A modern database toolkit that allows you to query your database using a type-safe and intuitive API
  • PostgreSQL: A powerful, open source object-relational database system


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  • Browse through posts made by users, sorted by tags
  • Create your own post
  • Infinite scrolling
  • Pagination
  • Skeleton loading

Features from a dev perspective

  • seeding the database using Faker.js
  • the main list of posts (PostList) uses infinite scroll (fetches automatically when scrolling)
  • you can read a post (PostDetails)
  • or get all posts with tag (PostListByTag)
    • uses pagination
  • or get a user's details and their posts (UserDetails)
  • after writing a post, the user is redirected to the post details page and the post data is read directly from cache / no refetching

Project Status

This project is currently unmaintained, but it still works when run locally. There is no live demo hosted at the moment.

Running Locally

To run the project locally, follow these steps:

  1. Clone the repository

  2. Starting the database

    1. Make sure you have a .env file in the backend/ directory with the following content (has to match the connection data defined in the docker-compose.yml file):
    1. Start the database using docker-compose up
  3. Preparing the backend and database (if you are starting the project for the first time)

    1. cd backend/
    2. Install dependencies using npm install
    3. Migrate db schema using npx prisma migrate dev --name init
    4. Seed the database using npx prisma db seed
  4. Start the backend using npm run dev

  5. Starting the frontend

    1. cd frontend/
    2. Make sure you have a .env file in the frontend/ directory with the following content (has to match the port defined earlier in /backend/.env):
  6. npm run dev

  7. Open your browser and navigate to the url given in the console output by Vite (probably http://localhost:5173)

  8. You can now explore the app, and even use the React Query Devtools (bottom left corner) to explore the state of the app