
Python library to access to TestLink XML-RPC API

Primary LanguagePython

TestLink API Python Client

Copyright 2011-2012 James Stock, Olivier Renault, TestLink-API-Python-client developers

License unclear License Type


TestLink-API-Python-client is a Python XMLRPC client for the TestLink API.

It's a brick of Olivier Renault JinFeng idea - an interaction of TestLink, Robot Framework and Jenkins.

Initially based on the James Stock testlink-api-python-client R7.

Directory Layout


  • Source for TestLink API Python Client


  • Unit Tests for TestLink API Python Client


  • Examples, how to use the TestLink API Python Client


Install TestLinkAPI into a virtualenv environment

[PYTHON27]\Scripts\virtualenv [PYENV]\testlink
python setup.py install

Run example with command line arguments

python example\TestLinkExample.py 
               --server_url http://[YOURSERVER]/testlink/lib/api/xmlrpc.php
               --devKey [Users devKey generated by TestLink]

Run unittests with TestLink Server interaction

set TESTLINK_API_PYTHON_SERVER_URL=http://[YOURSERVER]/testlink/lib/api/xmlrpc.php
set TESTLINK_API_PYTHON_DEVKEY=[Users devKey generated by TestLink]
cd test\utest
python -m unittest testlinkapicallservertest testlinkapi_online_test

Run unittests without TestLink Server interaction

cd test\utest
python -m unittest testlinkhelpertest testlinkapi_offline_test


see downloads

TestLink-API-Python-client developers