A command-line tool that transforms photos into an anime look using ONNX Runtime trained models of AnimeGANv3.
Based on the inference process of AnimeGANv3.exe.
It is written in Python, so it is cross-platform.
However, it consumes a large amount of CPU and memory because inference is performed on the CPU.
Requirements: Python 3.10 / pip / pipenv
# clone code
git clone https://github.com/tsukumijima/AnimeGANv3-Python.git
cd AnimeGANv3-Python
# install pipenv
pip install pipenv
# run pipenv sync
## Windows (PowerShell)
$env:PIPENV_VENV_IN_PROJECT="true"; pipenv sync
## Linux
PIPENV_VENV_IN_PROJECT="true" pipenv sync
# run AnimeGANv3-Python.py inside pipenv
pipenv run python AnimeGANv3-Python.py C:/path/to/input_images C:/path/to/output_images --onnx-model-type H40
usage: AnimeGANv3-Python.py [-h] [--onnx-model-type {H40,H50,H64}] InputDirPath OutputDirPath
positional arguments:
InputDirPath Image directory path of input source
OutputDirPath Image directory path of output destination
-h, --help show this help message and exit
--onnx-model-type {H40,H50,H64}
onnx model type (H40, H50, H64)
docker run -v $pwd/inputs:/inputs -v $pwd/outputs:/outputs guojiank/animeganv3
⬅ original photo | transform into anime look ➡