Time-Series and Linear Regression Analysis of YEN vs. USD

Yen Photo


This is a Python project that is tasked with forecasting the the price of the Japanese Yen versus the US Dollar. We used the ARMA, ARIMA and GARCH forecasting models using the p-values as our guide. The Hodrick-Prescott filter was used to remove the cyclical components of the time-series data.

For the Linear Regression portion of the exercise, we used the SKLearn LinearRegression and mean_squared_error modules.

Yen Photo

Data used: Yen Data CSV File We filtered this data down to only since Jan 01 1990.

Time-Series Analysis:

Time-Series Starter Notebook

Initial Plot of Raw Time-Series Price data: Raw Data Steps for Analysis:

  1. Decompose the data using the Hodrick-Prescott Filter into trend and noise:

     ts_noise, ts_trend = sm.tsa.filters.hpfilter(yen_futures['Settle'])
  2. Combined the settle, noise and trend data into one dataframe and then plotted data since 2015 only:

    settle_df = pd.DataFrame(yen_futures['Settle'], columns = ['Settle'])
    settle_df['Noise'],settle_df['Trend'] = ts_noise,ts_trend
    settle_df_2015_to_now = settle_df.loc['2015-01-01':]
    settle_df_2015_to_now.plot(y=['Settle', 'Trend'], figsize = (20,10), title="Settle vs. Trend")

Trend vs. Settle

  1. Forecast settle price using ARMA model:

     # Estimate an ARMA model
     model = ARMA(returns.values, order=(2,1))
     # Fit the model and assign it to a variable called results
     results = model.fit()

Results from ARMA:

ARMA Model Summary

  1. Forecast settle price using ARIMA model:

     # Estimate an ARIMA Model:
     model = ARIMA(yen_futures['Settle'], order=(5,1,1))
     # Fit the model
     results_arima = model.fit()

Results from ARIMA:

ARIMA Model Summary

  1. Forecast Volatility using a GARCH model:

     # Estimate a GARCH model:
     model = arch_model(returns, mean="Zero", vol="GARCH", p=2, q=1)
     # Fit the model
     res = model.fit(disp="off")

Results from GARCH summary: GARCH Model Summary

GARCH volatility prediction plot for the next 5 days: GARCH Plot

Questions to Answer:

  1. Based on your time series analysis, would you buy the yen now?

    I most certainly would not buy the yen now, at least not based on the analysis we have completed.. Both the ARMA and ARIMA models have p-values greater than .05 meaning that they are not considered 'statistically significant' predictions, in other words, not good a 'fit'.

  2. Is the risk of the yen expected to increase or decrease?

    The risk of the yen is expected to increase based on the results form the GARCH model.

  3. Based on the model evaluation, would you feel confident in using these models for trading?

    I would not feel confident trading using these models as I am not very comfortable with them. I am however quite familiar with traditional Technical Analysis, so I would probably use this method of analysis.

Linear Regression Analysis:

Linear Regression Starter Notebook

Steps taken for analysis:

  1. First, I imported the same data via .csv, filtered out only the 1990+ data and added a returns and lagged returns column into the dataframe.

  2. After importing and cleaning the data, I split the data into a training and test split. I used the 1990-2017 data as the training set and the 2018-2019 data as the test set.

    # Create a train/test split for the data using 2018-2019 for testing and the rest for training
     train = yen_futures[:'2017']
     test = yen_futures['2018':] 
     X_train = train["Lagged_Returns"].to_frame().replace(-np.inf, np.nan).dropna()
     X_test = test["Lagged_Returns"].to_frame().replace(-np.inf, np.nan).dropna()
     y_train = train["Returns"].replace(-np.inf, np.nan).dropna()
     y_test = test["Returns"].replace(-np.inf, np.nan).dropna()
  3. I then setup a LinearRegression Model and fit and predicted results: # Create model and fit model = LinearRegression() model.fit(X_train, y_train)

     # Make a prediction of "y" values using just the test dataset
     y_prediction = model.predict(X_test)
     results_df = y_test.to_frame()
     results_df["Predicted Return"] = y_prediction
     # Plot the first 20 predictions vs the true values
     results_df[:20].plot(y=['Returns', 'Predicted Return'], figsize = (20,10), title="First 20 Returns vs. First 20 Predicted Returns")  

Plot: Returns vs. Predicted Returns

  1. Then we calculated the RMSE (Root Mean Squared Error) for both the Out-of-Sample and In-Sample data to compare the 2 data sets.

    Out-of-Sample Data:

     # Calculate the mean_squared_error (MSE) on actual versus predicted test "y" 
     mse = mean_squared_error(
         results_df["Predicted Return"]
     # Using that mean-squared-error, calculate the root-mean-squared error (RMSE):
     rmse = np.sqrt(mse)

    In-Sample Data:

     # Construct a dataframe using just the "y" training data:
     in_sample = y_train.to_frame()
     # Add a column of "in-sample" predictions to that dataframe:  
     in_sample["In-sample Predictions"] = model.predict(X_train)
     # Calculate in-sample mean_squared_error (for comparison to out-of-sample)
     in_sample_mse = mean_squared_error(
         in_sample["In-sample Predictions"]
     # Calculate in-sample root mean_squared_error (for comparison to out-of-sample)
     in_sample_rmse = np.sqrt(in_sample_mse) 


Out of Sample Root Mean Squared Error (RMSE): 0.4154834983842043

In-sample Root Mean Squared Error (RMSE): 0.5969835285643179

Conclusion for Linear Regression:

Based on the RMSE for in-sample and out-of-sample data, the model is stating that the out-of-sample test data (which it has never seen before) makes a better prediction (Lower RMSE = better prediction), which is probably not a good thing. We would likely want to use a different model, one that ends up with the in-sample RMSE being lower than the out-of-sample data.