

  • Protractor is a Node.js program. To run, you will need to have Node.js installed from Check the version of Node.js you have by running node --version

  • Install the Protractor using the node! installation guide found on ( )

  • Also You will need to have the Java Development Kit (JDK) installed to run the standalone Selenium Server. Check this by running java -version from the command line


  1. Clone this repository in Your Projects folder (or any other directory): C:\Users\YOUR-NAME\AppData\Roaming\npm\node_modules\protractor\protractor-cucumber-framework

  2. Install all necessary packages using npm: Run command to get all necessary packages:

npm install

  1. Write your tests in features/ folder

  2. Write your step definitions in stepDefinitions/ folder

  3. This framework uses Page Object pattern, so move your locators to separate pages in pages/ folder

  4. Run your tests by following command:

webdriver-manager update

webdriver-manager start

npm test

Optimization tips :

  1. To run on multiple browser make change in the line number 9 - config\config.js file multiCapabilities: [{ browserName: 'firefox' }, { browserName: 'chrome' }]

  2. Protractor API Docs found on the

  3. Basic tutorial found on the

  4. Use to make your life easy

  5. All E2E tests are executed on the website : computer-database.herokuapp com/computers.

---------------- More to learn -------------

Protractor cheat sheet | Protractor short cuts | Protractor help

  1. To Control The We Browser :
  • browser.get('yoururl'); // Load address, can also use '#yourpage'
  • browser.navigate().back();
  • browser.navigate().forward();
  • browser.sleep(10000); // if your test is outrunning the browser
  • browser.waitForAngular(); // if your test is outrunning the browser
  • browser.getLocationAbsUrl() // get the current address
  • browser.ignoreSynchronization = true; // If true, Protractor will not attempt to synchronize with the page before performing actions
  1. Wait for some web element to become present/visible :

browser.wait(function() { return element('create')).isPresent(); }, 5000); element('create')).click();

  1. To Check The Visibility
  • element('create')).isPresent() // Be careful with this: element is often present while it's not displayed...
  • element('create')).isEnabled() //Enabled/disabled, as in ng-disabled...
  • element('create')).isDisplayed() //Is element currently visible/displayed?
  1. Finding ways for the HTML web elements :
  • element('user_name'))
  • element(by.css('#myItem'))
  • element(by.model('')) // refers to ng-model directive
  • element(by.binding('person.concatName')); // refers to ng-bind directive
  • element(by.textarea('person.extraDetails'));
  • element (by.input( 'username' ));
  • element (by.input( 'username' )).clear();
  • element(by.buttonText('Save'));
  • element(by.partialButtonText('Save'));
  • element(by.linkText('Save'));
  • element(by.partialLinkText('Save'));
  • element(by.css('[ng-click="cancel()"]'));
  • var dog = element(by.cssContainingText('.pet', 'Dog'));
  • var allOptions = element.all(by.options('c c in colors')); //When ng-options is used with selectbox
  1. Finding the collection of HTML web elements :
  • var list = element.all(by.css('.items));
  • var list2 = element.all(by.repeater('personhome.results'));
  • var list3 = element.all(by.xpath('//div
  • expect(list.count()).toBe(3);
  • expect(list.get(0).getText()).toBe('First’)
  • expect(list.get(1).getText()).toBe('Second’)
  • expect(list.first().getText()).toBe('First’)
  • expect(list.last().getText()).toBe('Last’)
  1. Wasy to Send keystrokes :
  • element('user_name').sendKeys("user1");
  • sendKeys(protractor.Key.ENTER);
  • sendKeys(protractor.Key.TAB);
  • element('user_name')).clear()
  1. Web element position handling :

element('item1')).getLocation().then(function(location) { var x = location.x; var y = location.y; });

element('item1')).getSize().then(function(size) { var width = size.width; var height = size.height; });

  1. For the Jasmine Matchers :
  • to(N­ot)­Be( null | true | false )
  • to(N­ot)­Equ­al( value )
  • to(N­ot)­Mat­ch( regex | string )
  • toBe­Def­ine­d()
  • toBe­Und­efi­ned()
  • toBe­Nul­l()
  • toBe­Tru­thy()
  • toBe­Fal­sy()
  • to(N­ot)­Con­tain( string )
  • toBe­Les­sTh­an( number )
  • toBe­Gre­ate­rTh­an( number )
  • toBe­NaN()
  • toBe­Clo­seTo( number, precision )
  • toTh­row()