
This bundle provides step-by-step instructions for generating and deploying Avro and KryoSerializer in Geode/GemFire. Using PadoGrid's code generator, you can on the fly generate and deploy Avro wrapper classes and the corresponding Kryo serializer.

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Geode/GemFire Kryo Code Generator

This bundle provides step-by-step instructions for generating and deploying Avro and KryoSerializer in Geode/GemFire. Using PadoGrid's code generator, you can on the fly generate and deploy Avro wrapper classes and the corresponding Kryo serializer.

Installing Bundle

install_bundle -download bundle-geode-1-app-kryo_codegen

Use Case

Kryo allows you to ingest POJO objects to Geode/GemFire without adding any Geode/GemFire dependencies. In this bundle, we introduce PadoGrid's code generator that generates KryoSerializer required by Geode/GemFire for registering custom serializers. To register POJO classes in Geode/GemFire, you must register each POJO class individually, making the Geode/GemFire configuration process difficult and error prone. PadoGrid's Kryo code generator simplifies the registration process by generating the KryoSerializer class that automatically groups all the POJO classes in a given package. Instead of registering each POJO class individually, you would just register KryoSerializer.

The Kryo code generator also includes a wrapper class generator which extends POJO classes to allow you to override class methods as needed. This is particularly useful if you generate domain classes using IDL-based serialization tools such as Avro. Avro creates a compact binary data format that is ideal for storing POJO objects in Geode/GemFire. Avro, however, only supports primitive types and leaves the chore of marshalling and unmarshalling non-primitive types to the application. To close this gap, the wrapper class generator is provided to generate wrapper classes in which you can add your custom marshalling and unmarshalling code without affecting the Avro-generated code.

For example, Avro does not support the Date class. To store a Date object, you would need to store its long value, i.e., Date.getTime() as the long type and the logicalType of timestamp-millis as follows.

 "fields": [

     {"name": "orderDateLong", "type": "long", "logicalType": "timestamp-millis"}


To get the Date object back, the application must explicitly create a Date object, i.e., new Date(long). With the wrapper class, this can be done by adding a method that returns the Date object. For example,

public class Order extends org.apache.geode.demo.nw.data.avro.generated.__Order {
	public Order() {

	public void setOrderDate(Date date) {

	public Date getOrderDate() {
		return new Date(super.getOrderDateLong());

Kryo Code Generator Demo

Required Software

  • Maven 3.x
  • Geode 1.x or GemFire 9.x/10.x

Configuring Bundle Environment

Make sure you have all the required products installed.

# To use Geode:
install_padogrid -product geode
update_padogrid -product geode

# To use GemFire:
# GemFire must be downloaded manually from the their website.
# The install_padogrid usage provides the download link.
install_padogrid -?
# Upon download, install it in $PADOGRID_ENV_BASE_PATH/products directory.
# For example, the following installs GemFire 10.1.0.
tar -C $PADOGRID_ENV_BASE_PATH/products -xzf ~/Downloads/vmware-gemfire-10.1.0.tgz
# Update the workspace environment with the installed GemFire version.
update_padogrid -product gemfire

Running This Bundle

First, make sure you are switched into a Geode/GemFire cluster. You can create the default cluster by executing the following.


# Geode cluster - creates 'mygeode' cluster
create_cluster -product geode
switch_cluster mygeode


# GemFire cluster - creates 'mygemfire' cluster
create_cluster -product gemfire
switch_cluster mygemfire

✏️ If you want to quickly test the bundle, you can jump to Step 9. It is recommended, however, that you go through the entire steps to get familiar with the code generation and deployment process.

1. Place Avro schema files in the src/main/resources directory

This bundle includes the following example schema files.

cd_app kryo_codegen
mkdir -p src/main/resources
cp etc/avro/* src/main/resources/
tree src/main


└── resources
    ├── category.avsc
    ├── customer.avsc
    ├── employee.avsc
    └── order.avsc

Note that we do not have any Java code in the source directory. We start with a set of only Avro schema files and end up with all the necessary Java code for ingesting data into Geode/GemFire. The following shows the customer.asvc schema file contents.


"namespace": "org.apache.geode.demo.nw.data.avro.generated",
 "type": "record",
 "name": "__Order",
 "fields": [
     {"name": "orderId", "type": "string"},
     {"name": "customerId", "type": "string"},
     {"name": "employeeId", "type": "string"},
     {"name": "orderDateLong", "type": "long", "logicalType": "timestamp-millis"},
     {"name": "requiredDateLong", "type": "long", "logicalType": "timestamp-millis"},
     {"name": "shippedDateLong", "type": "long", "logicalType": "timestamp-millis"},
     {"name": "shipVia", "type": "string"},
     {"name": "freight", "type": "double"},
     {"name": "shipName", "type": "string"},
     {"name": "shipAddress", "type": "string"},
     {"name": "shipCity", "type": "string"},
     {"name": "shipRegion", "type": ["string", "null"]},
     {"name": "shipPostalCode", "type": "string"},
     {"name": "shipCountry", "type": "string"}

2. Generate Avro classes using the Avro schema files

cd_app kryo_codegen
mvn package

The above Maven command generates the corresponding Java classes and packages them into the app-kryo-codegen-geode-1.0.0.jar file as follows.

├── java
│   └── org
│       └── apache
│           └── geode
│               └── demo
│                   └── nw
│                       └── data
│                           └── avro
│                               └── generated
│                                   ├── __Category.java
│                                   ├── __Customer.java
│                                   ├── __Employee.java
│                                   └── __Order.java
└── resources
    ├── category.avsc
    ├── customer.avsc
    ├── employee.avsc
    └── order.avsc

└── app-kryo-codegen-geode-1.0.0.jar

3. Generate Avro wrapper classes

Run the PadoGrid's t_generate_wrappers command to generate the wrapper classes that extend the generated Avro classes. You can use the Avro classes that were generated in the previous setp as they are but it is recommended that you generate the wrapper classes so that you can override the Avro class methods as needed. Let's generate wrapper classes by executing the following:

cd_app kryo_codegen
t_generate_wrappers -sp org.apache.geode.demo.nw.data.avro.generated \
   -tp org.apache.geode.demo.nw.data.avro \
   -dir src/main/java \
   -jar lib/app-kryo-codegen-geode-1.0.0.jar \
   -classpath lib

The above command creates the wrapper classes in the org.apache.geode.demo.nw.data.avro package as follows.

├── java
│   └── org
│       └── apache
│           └── geode
│               └── demo
│                   └── nw
│                       └── data
│                           └── avro
│                               ├── Category.java
│                               ├── Customer.java
│                               ├── Employee.java
│                               ├── Order.java
│                               └── generated
│                                   ├── __Category.java
│                                   ├── __Customer.java
│                                   ├── __Employee.java
│                                   └── __Order.java
└── resources
    ├── category.avsc
    ├── customer.avsc
    ├── employee.avsc
    └── order.avsc

4. Compile the wrapper classes and create a jar file

The generated wrapper classes need to be compiled and packaged into a jar file. Run Maven again to generate the lib/app-kryo-codegen-geode-1.0.0.jar file that includes the wrapper classes.

cd_app kryo_codegen
mvn package

5. Generate KryoSerializer for the generated wrapper classes

With the wrapper classes in the jar file, we can now generate the KyroSerializer class that properly registers all the wrapper classes in Geode/GemFire. Execute the following command to generate KryoSerializer.

cd_app kryo_codegen
t_generate_kryo_serializer -id 1200 \
   -package org.apache.geode.demo.nw.data.avro \
   -dir src/main/java \
   -jar lib/app-kryo-codegen-geode-1.0.0.jar \
   -classpath lib


The above command outputs the following (Note the registration information. We'll be entering the ouputted serializer settings in the Geode/GemFire configuration file later.)

  New class count: 4
Total class count: 4
[0] org.apache.geode.demo.nw.data.avro.Category
[1] org.apache.geode.demo.nw.data.avro.Customer
[2] org.apache.geode.demo.nw.data.avro.Employee
[3] org.apache.geode.demo.nw.data.avro.Order
KryoSerializer generated:

To register KryoSerializer, add the following lines in the Geode/GemFire configuration file.

The source directory now has KryoSerializer.java as shown below.

├── java
│   └── org
│       └── apache
│           └── geode
│               └── demo
│                   └── nw
│                       └── data
│                           └── avro
│                               ├── Category.java
│                               ├── Customer.java
│                               ├── Employee.java
│                               ├── KryoSerializer.java
│                               ├── Order.java
│                               └── generated
│                                   ├── __Category.java
│                                   ├── __Customer.java
│                                   ├── __Employee.java
│                                   └── __Order.java
└── resources
    ├── category.avsc
    ├── customer.avsc
    ├── employee.avsc
    └── order.avsc

6. Compile the generated KryoSerializer

Once again, repackage the lib/app-kryo-codegen-geode-1.0.0.jar file by running Maven. At this time, the jar file also includes the generated classes including KryoSerializer which we need to register with Geode/GemFire.

cd_app kryo_codegen
mvn package

7. Build client apps

This bundle includes data ingestion clients that use the generated wrapper classes to ingest data into Geode/GemFire. The source code is located in the src_provided directory. Let's copy it to the src directory and rebuild the jar file.

# Copy client code
cd_app kryo_codegen
cp -r src_provided/* src/

The src_provided directory has the following files.

└── main
    └── java
        └── org
            └── apache
                └── geode
                    ├── addon
                    │   └── demo
                    │       └── kryo
                    │           ├── CustomerIngester.java
                    │           ├── MyKryoGenerator.java
                    │           ├── MyWrapperGenerator.java
                    │           └── OrderIngester.java
                    └── demo
                        └── nw
                            └── data
                                └── avro
                                    └── Order.java

Rebuild the package.

# Rebuild
cd_app kryo_codegen
mvn package

ℹ️ Take a look at src_provided/main/java/org/apache/geode/demo/nw/data/avro/Order.java. It extends the Avro generated class __Order to include Date objects.

8. Build and deploy a distribution tarball

The lib/app-kryo-codegen-geode-1.0.0.jar is now ready to be deployed to the Geode/GemFire cluster. Since we are using Kryo and Avro, we also need to deploy their jar files along with all the dependencies. The previous Maven build step also generated a tarball, app-kryo-codegen-geode-1.0.0.tar.gz, that contains all the jar files. We need to untar the tarball in the workspace's plugins directory so that the jar files can be picked up by all the apps and clusters running in the same workspace.

# Deploy the generated tarball in the workspace plugins directory.
cd_app kryo_codegen
tar -C $PADOGRID_WORKSPACE/plugins/ -xzf target/assembly/app-kryo-codegen-geode-1.0.0.tar.gz

ℹ️ Note that you would also need to deploy the tarball to external apps that connect to your Geode/GemFire cluster. For example, to deploy it to Kafka Connect, untar it in the connector's plugin directory.

9. Configure Geode/GemFire configuration file (cache.xml) with the KryoSerializer class

If you have skipped Steps 1-8, then you can run the build_app script, which carries out the Steps 1 to 8 in sequence.

cd_app kryo_codegen/bin_sh

If you have a schema registry running, then you can use the -registry option to retrieve the schemas instead. Please see the usage by running the following.

./build_app -?

Once you have either executed build_app or carried out Steps 1-8 individually, place the serialization information in the current cluster's Geode/GemFire configuration file.

# Create a Geode/GemFire cluster if you have not done so already
create_cluster -product geode -cluster mygeode

# Switch to your cluster and edit cache.xml
switch_cluster mygeode
vi etc/cache.xml

Copy the serializer configuration output from Step 5 and enter it in the cache.xml file as follows.


10. Start your cluster


11. Ingest data

The scripts for running the client code are in the bin_sh directory. The ingestion scripts use the etc/client-cache.xml file which already registers the KyroSerializer class. Let's execute them.

# Ingest Customer and Order data
cd_app kryo_codegen/bin_sh

# Ingest data into the '/nw/customers' region.

# Ingest data into the '/nw/orders' region.

ingest_customers Output:

Data Class: org.apache.geode.demo.nw.data.avro.Customer
  Ingested: 100
       Map: /nw/customers

ingest_orders Output:

Data Class: org.apache.geode.demo.nw.data.avro.Order
  Ingested: 100
       Map: /nw/orders

12. Read ingested data

You can use the read_cache script to read the ingested data as follows. We have ingested data into the 'nw/customers' and '/nw/orders' regions.

./read_cache /nw/customers
./read_cache /nw/orders

Executing Code Generator Programmatically

You can also execute the code generators programmatically. The source code of MyWrapperGenerator and MyKryoGenerator is located in the src_provided/main/java directory and shown below.


package org.apache.geode.addon.demo.kryo;

import com.netcrest.padogrid.tools.WrapperGenerator;

 * This class shows you how to run WrapperGenerator programmatically.
 * @author dpark
public class MyWrapperGenerator {

	public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {

		// All paths are relative to the working directory.
		String sp = "org.apache.geode.demo.nw.data.avro.generated";
		String tp = " org.apache.geode.demo.nw.data.avro";
		String dir = "src/main/java";
		String jar = "lib/app-kryo-codegen-geode-1.0.0.jar";
		boolean overwrite = false;

		WrapperGenerator generator = new WrapperGenerator(sp, tp, jar, dir, WrapperGenerator.WrapperType.simple, overwrite);


package org.apache.geode.addon.demo.kryo;

import com.netcrest.padogrid.tools.GeodeKryoGenerator;

 * This class shows you how to run KryGenerator programmatically.
 * @author dpark
public class MyKryoGenerator {

	public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {

		// All paths are relative to the working directory.
		String packageName = " org.apache.geode.demo.nw.data.avro";
		String jarPath = "lib/app-kryo-codegen-geode-1.0.0.jar";
		int typeId = 1200;
		String srcDir = "src/main/java";

		GeodeKryoGenerator generator = new GeodeKryoGenerator(packageName, jarPath, typeId, srcDir);


stop_cluster -all

PadoGrid PadoGrid | Catalogs | Manual | FAQ | Releases | Templates | Pods | Kubernetes | Docker | Apps | Quick Start