
This bundle integrates Geode with Debezium and Apache Hive for ingesting initial data and CDC records from MySQL into a Geode cluster via a Kafka sink connector included in the padogrid distribution. It supports inserts, updates and deletes.

Primary LanguageShellApache License 2.0Apache-2.0

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PadoGrid 1.x Host OS

Debezium-Hive-Kafka Geode Connector

This bundle integrates Geode with Debezium and Apache Hive for ingesting initial data and CDC records from MySQL into a Geode cluster via a Kafka sink connector included in the padogrid distribution. It supports inserts, updates and deletes.

Installing Bundle

install_bundle -download bundle-geode-1-docker-debezium_hive_kafka

❗️ If you are running this bundle on WSL, make sure your workspace is on a shared folder. The Docker volume it creates will not be visible outside of WSL otherwise.

Use Case

This use case ingests data changes made in the MySQL database into a Geode cluster via Kafka connectors and also integrates Apache Hive for querying Kafka topics as external tables and views. It extends the original Debezium-Kafka bundle with Docker compose, Apache Hive, and the Northwind mock data for customers and orders tables. It includes the MySQL source connector and the geode-addon Debezium sink connectors.

Debezium-Hive-Kafka Diagram

Required Software

  • Docker
  • Docker Compose
  • Maven 3.x

Optional Software

  • jq
  • Power BI

Configuring Bundle Environment

✏️ This bundle builds the demo enviroment based on the Geode version in your workspace. Make sure your workspace has been configured with the desired version before building the demo environment.

# To use Geode:
install_padogrid -product geode
update_padogrid -product geode

Building Demo

Before you begin, make sure you are in a Geode product context by switching into a Geode cluster. You can create a Geode cluster if it does not exist as shown below.

# Create the default cluster named, 'mygeode'
create_cluster -product geode

# Switch to the 'mygeode' cluster to set the product context
switch_cluster mygeode

We must first build the demo by running the build_app command as shown below. This command copies the Geode and geode-addon-core jar files to the Docker container mounted volume in the padogrid directory so that the Geode Debezium Kafka connector can include them in its class path. It also downloads the Hive JDBC driver jar and its dependencies in the padogrid/lib/jdbc directory.

cd_docker debezium_hive_kafka/bin_sh

Upon successful build, the padogrid directory should have jar files similar to the following:

cd_docker debezium_hive_kafka
tree padogrid
├── etc
│   └── client-cache.xml
├── lib
│   ├── ...
│   ├── geode-addon-core-1.0.0.jar
│   ├── ...
│   ├── jdbc
│   │   ├── commons-logging-1.2.jar
│   │   ├── curator-client-2.12.0.jar
│   │   ├── guava-19.0.jar
│   │   ├── hadoop-common-2.6.0.jar
│   │   ├── hive-common-3.1.2.jar
│   │   ├── hive-jdbc-3.1.2.jar
│   │   ├── hive-metastore-3.1.2.jar
│   │   ├── hive-serde-3.1.2.jar
│   │   ├── hive-service-3.1.2.jar
│   │   ├── hive-service-rpc-3.1.2.jar
│   │   ├── httpclient-4.5.2.jar
│   │   ├── httpcore-4.4.4.jar
│   │   ├── libthrift-0.9.3.jar
│   │   └── slf4j-api-1.7.10.jar
│   ├── ...
│   ├── padogrid-common-1.0.0.jar
│   ├── ...
├── log
└── plugins
    └── geode-addon-core-1.0.0-tests.jar

Creating my_network

Let's create the my_network network to which all containers will join.

docker network create my_network

Creating Geode Docker Containers

Let's create a Geode cluster to run on Docker containers with the my_network network we created in the previous section.

create_docker -product geode -cluster geode -network my_network
cd_docker geode

Creating perf_test_hive app

Create and build perf_test_hive for ingesting mock data into MySQL:

create_app -product geode -app perf_test -name perf_test_hive
cd_app perf_test_hive/bin_sh

Set the MySQL user name and password for perf_test_hive:

cd_app perf_test_hive
vi etc/hibernate.cfg-mysql.xml

Set user name and password as follows:

                <property name="connection.username">debezium</property>
                <property name="connection.password">dbz</property>

Kafka Connect

The Kafka Connect container listens on Kafka streams for database updates and converts them to Geode objects before updating the Geode cluster. Take a look at the client-cache.xml file which is loaded by the Kafka Connect container to connect to the Geode cluster. As you can see from below, the locator host is set to geode-locator-1 which is the host name of the locator set by Docker Compose.

cd_docker debezium_hive_kafka
cat padogrid/etc/client-cache.xml


<client-cache ...>
    <pool name="serverPool">
         <locator host="geode-locator-1" port="10334" />

Startup Sequence

1. Start Geode

cd_docker geode
docker compose up -d

2. Start Debezium

Start Zookeeper, Kafka, MySQL, Kafka Connect, Apache Hive containers:

cd_docker debezium_hive_kafka
docker compose up -d

❗️ Wait till all the containers are up before executing the init_all script.

Execute init_all which performs the following:

  • Places the included cache.xml file to the Geode docker cluster. This file configures Geode with co-located data. You can use the included Power BI files to generate reports by executing OQL. See details in the Power BI section.
  • Creates the nw database and grant all privileges to the user debezium:
  • Copies the Kafka handler jar file to HDFS. It is required for executing queries with joins.
cd_docker debezium_hive_kafka/bin_sh

There are three (3) Kafka connectors that we need to register. The MySQL connector is provided by Debezium and the data connectors are part of the PadoGrid distribution.

cd_docker debezium_hive_kafka/bin_sh

3. Ingest mock data into the nw.customers and nw.orders tables in MySQL

cd_app perf_test_hive/bin_sh
./test_group -run -db -prop ../etc/group-factory.properties

4. Run Hive Beeline CLI

cd_docker debezium_hive_kafka/bin_sh

Create and query customers_payload external table

-- Create customers external table
drop table if exists customers_payload;
CREATE EXTERNAL TABLE customers_payload
(payload string)
STORED BY 'org.apache.hadoop.hive.kafka.KafkaStorageHandler'
("kafka.topic" = "customers",

-- Query customers_payload external table
select * from customers_payload;


| customers_payload.payload  |              customers_payload.__key               | customers_payload.__partition  | customers_payload.__offset  | customers_payload.__timestamp  |
| {                          | {"schema":{"type":"struct","fields":[{"type":"string","optional":false,"field":"customerId"}],"optional":false,"name":"dbserver1.nw.customers.Key"},"payload":{"customerId":"k0000000612"}} | 0                              | 2900                        | 1596469641340                  |
| {                          | {"schema":{"type":"struct","fields":[{"type":"string","optional":false,"field":"customerId"}],"optional":false,"name":"dbserver1.nw.customers.Key"},"payload":{"customerId":"k0000000862"}} | 0                              | 2901                        | 1596469641340                  |
| {                          | {"schema":{"type":"struct","fields":[{"type":"string","optional":false,"field":"customerId"}],"optional":false,"name":"dbserver1.nw.customers.Key"},"payload":{"customerId":"k0000000987"}} | 0                              | 2902                        | 1596469641341                  |
| {                          | {"schema":{"type":"struct","fields":[{"type":"string","optional":false,"field":"customerId"}],"optional":false,"name":"dbserver1.nw.customers.Key"},"payload":{"customerId":"k0000000238"}} | 0                              | 2903                        | 1596469641341                  |
| {                          | {"schema":{"type":"struct","fields":[{"type":"string","optional":false,"field":"customerId"}],"optional":false,"name":"dbserver1.nw.customers.Key"},"payload":{"customerId":"k0000000113"}} | 0                              | 2904                        | 1596469641341                  |
| {                          | {"schema":{"type":"struct","fields":[{"type":"string","optional":false,"field":"customerId"}],"optional":false,"name":"dbserver1.nw.customers.Key"},"payload":{"customerId":"k0000000488"}} | 0                              | 2905                        | 1596469641341                  |
| {                          | {"schema":{"type":"struct","fields":[{"type":"string","optional":false,"field":"customerId"}],"optional":false,"name":"dbserver1.nw.customers.Key"},"payload":{"customerId":"k0000000363"}} | 0                              | 2906                        | 1596469641341                  |

Create and query customers external table

-- Create customers external table
drop table if exists customers;
(payload struct <after:struct<customerid:string,address:string,city:string,companyname:string,contactname:string,contacttitle:string,country:string,fax:string,phone:string,postalcode:string,region:string>>)
STORED BY 'org.apache.hadoop.hive.kafka.KafkaStorageHandler'
("kafka.topic" = "customers",

-- Query customers external table
select payload.after.customerid,payload.after.address,payload.after.city,payload.after.companyname,payload.after.contactname,payload.after.contacttitle,payload.after.country,payload.after.fax,payload.after.phone,payload.after.postalCode,payload.after.region,`__partition`,`__timestamp` from customers;

-- Query data consumed within the past 10 minutes
select payload.after.customerId,payload.after.address,payload.after.city,payload.after.companyName,payload.after.contactName,payload.after.contactTitle,payload.after.country,payload.after.fax,payload.after.phone,payload.after.postalCode,payload.after.region,`__partition`,`__timestamp` from customers
where `__timestamp` >  1000 * to_unix_timestamp(CURRENT_TIMESTAMP - interval '10' MINUTES);


|  customerid  |                      address                       |          city          |              companyname              |  contactname   |                contacttitle                 |                      country                       |       fax       |         phone          | postalcode  | region  | __partition  |  __timestamp   |
| k0000000612  | 50622 Boyer Rapids, Simonisberg, TN 62253          | Dickinsonhaven         | Pollich, Walker and Reichel          | Gibson         | Principal Marketing Officer                | Northern Mariana Islands                           | 714.873.0667    | (562) 943-2123 x838    | 64235-1513  | NE      | 0            | 1596469641340  |
| k0000000862  | 00081 Carlos Land, Aidaburgh, TN 12050             | Tremblayberg           | Miller, Bergstrom and Farrell        | Jenkins        | Corporate Manager                          | Svalbard & Jan Mayen Islands                       | 730-639-6453    | 546-194-4166 x9406     | 30365-8412  | NV      | 0            | 1596469641340  |
| k0000000987  | Suite 096 048 Ernser Crossing, Lake Chadville, WY 95944-1844 | Leschbury              | Sporer, Macejkovic and Bernier       | Anderson       | District Hospitality Executive             | Norway                                             | 801-027-1309    | 242.169.8662 x90534    | 66681       | MI      | 0            | 1596469641341  |
| k0000000238  | 2577 Sherri Row, Kohlerland, TX 64016              | Lianneland             | Baumbach LLC                         | Robel          | Legacy Facilitator                         | Sweden                                             | (148) 579-9627  | 360-235-2149 x07245    | 61811-7584  | AR      | 0            | 1596469641341  |
| k0000000113  | 098 Swift Camp, North Alana, IN 82409              | Heathhaven             | Moen and Sons                        | Turcotte       | Construction Supervisor                    | Reunion                                            | 1-053-688-2811  | (419) 464-3289         | 60529-1728  | PA      | 0            | 1596469641341  |
| k0000000488  | Suite 585 44094 Kertzmann Camp, Priceside, LA 04711 | Jerryland              | Kiehn-Hahn                           | Beahan         | Regional Strategist                        | Libyan Arab Jamahiriya                             | 1-186-101-3943  | 1-665-993-4497 x9829   | 61770-1776  | AZ      | 0            | 1596469641341  |
| k0000000363  | Apt. 162 970 Beahan Plains, Wintheiserton, FL 17306-9638 | West Melitaview        | Bayer-Mills                          | Herzog         | Product Accounting Officer                 | Honduras                                           | 1-703-981-5441  | 046-245-4210 x699      | 63782       | NM      | 0            | 1596469641341  |
| k0000000737  | 76469 Jennie Field, Connmouth, ND 75872            | New Petra              | Bogan, Jerde and Huel                | Wilderman      | Central Design Strategist                  | Albania                                            | (636) 618-0119  | 781.809.8438 x24523    | 52574       | MA      | 0            | 1596469641341  |
| k0000000613  | Apt. 882 311 Lola Orchard, Lake Omar, KY 01477-6493 | East Krystle           | Bosco LLC                            | Nolan          | Consulting Strategist                      | Bolivia                                            | 639.517.2600    | (952) 959-0903 x4037   | 54377       | VA      | 0            | 1596469641341  |

Create and query customers external view

-- Define a view of data consumed within the past 15 minutes
drop view if exists customers_view;
CREATE VIEW customers_view AS SELECT  payload.after.customerid,payload.after.address,payload.after.city,payload.after.companyname,payload.after.contactname,payload.after.contacttitle,payload.after.country,payload.after.fax,payload.after.phone,payload.after.postalcode,payload.after.region,`__partition`,`__timestamp`
 ADDED FROM customers
 WHERE `__timestamp` >  1000 * to_unix_timestamp(CURRENT_TIMESTAMP - interval '15' MINUTES);

-- Query customers_view
select * from customers_view;


| customers_view.customerid  |               customers_view.address               |  customers_view.city   |      customers_view.companyname       | customers_view.contactname  |         customers_view.contacttitle         |               customers_view.country               | customers_view.fax  |  customers_view.phone  | customers_view.postalcode  | customers_view.region  | customers_view.__partition  | customers_view.added  |
| k0000000612                | 50622 Boyer Rapids, Simonisberg, TN 62253          | Dickinsonhaven         | Pollich, Walker and Reichel          | Gibson                      | Principal Marketing Officer                | Northern Mariana Islands                           | 714.873.0667        | (562) 943-2123 x838    | 64235-1513                 | NE                     | 0                           | 1596469641340         |
| k0000000862                | 00081 Carlos Land, Aidaburgh, TN 12050             | Tremblayberg           | Miller, Bergstrom and Farrell        | Jenkins                     | Corporate Manager                          | Svalbard & Jan Mayen Islands                       | 730-639-6453        | 546-194-4166 x9406     | 30365-8412                 | NV                     | 0                           | 1596469641340         |
| k0000000987                | Suite 096 048 Ernser Crossing, Lake Chadville, WY 95944-1844 | Leschbury              | Sporer, Macejkovic and Bernier       | Anderson                    | District Hospitality Executive             | Norway                                             | 801-027-1309        | 242.169.8662 x90534    | 66681                      | MI                     | 0                           | 1596469641341         |
| k0000000238                | 2577 Sherri Row, Kohlerland, TX 64016              | Lianneland             | Baumbach LLC                         | Robel                       | Legacy Facilitator                         | Sweden                                             | (148) 579-9627      | 360-235-2149 x07245    | 61811-7584                 | AR                     | 0                           | 1596469641341         |
| k0000000113                | 098 Swift Camp, North Alana, IN 82409              | Heathhaven             | Moen and Sons                        | Turcotte                    | Construction Supervisor                    | Reunion                                            | 1-053-688-2811      | (419) 464-3289         | 60529-1728                 | PA                     | 0                           | 1596469641341         |
| k0000000488                | Suite 585 44094 Kertzmann Camp, Priceside, LA 04711 | Jerryland              | Kiehn-Hahn                           | Beahan                      | Regional Strategist                        | Libyan Arab Jamahiriya                             | 1-186-101-3943      | 1-665-993-4497 x9829   | 61770-1776                 | AZ                     | 0                           | 1596469641341         |

Create and query orders external table

-- Create orders external table
drop table if exists orders;
(payload struct <after:struct<orderid:string,customerid:string,employeeid:string,freight:double,orderdate:bigint,requireddate:bigint,shipaddress:string,shipcity:string,shiptcountry:string,shipname:string,shippostcal:string,shipregion:string,shipvia:string,shippeddate:string>>)
STORED BY 'org.apache.hadoop.hive.kafka.KafkaStorageHandler'
("kafka.topic" = "orders",

-- Query orders external table
select payload.after.orderid,payload.after.customerid,payload.after.employeeid,payload.after.freight,payload.after.orderdate,payload.after.requireddate,payload.after.shipaddress,payload.after.shipcity,payload.after.shiptcountry,payload.after.shipname,payload.after.shippostcal,payload.after.shipregion,payload.after.shipvia,payload.after.shippeddate,`__partition`,`__timestamp` from orders;

-- Query data consumed within the past 10 minutes
select payload.after.orderid,payload.after.customerid,payload.after.employeeid,payload.after.freight,payload.after.orderdate,payload.after.requireddate,payload.after.shipaddress,payload.after.shipcity,payload.after.shiptcountry,payload.after.shipname,payload.after.shippostcal,payload.after.shipregion,payload.after.shipvia,payload.after.shippeddate,`__partition`,`__timestamp` from orders
where `__timestamp` >  1000 * to_unix_timestamp(CURRENT_TIMESTAMP - interval '10' MINUTES);


|   orderid    |  customerid  |  employeeid  |        freight        |   orderdate    |  requireddate  |                    shipaddress                     |        shipcity         | shiptcountry  |                shipname                 | shippostcal  | shipregion  | shipvia  |  shippeddate   | __partition  |  __timestamp   |
| k0000000732  | 526426+2257  | 096328-7565  | 49.75281954662483      | 1596432948000  | 1597441652000  | 88189 Kuhn Harbors, Lake Lowell, OR 24748          | New Ronny              | NULL          | Lowe, Renner and Sporer              | NULL         | TX          | 5        | 1596345855000  | 0            | 1596469652342  |
| k0000000611  | 419361-1507  | 964964-3342  | 101.46675311345439     | 1596229015000  | 1597206655000  | 2614 Dicki Forest, Marcelland, SD 50957-9374       | West Sanjuanita        | NULL          | Steuber, Stoltenberg and Roberts     | NULL         | SC          | 3        | 1596433994000  | 0            | 1596469652342  |
| k0000000107  | 984196-2058  | 852201-2339  | 128.41905675703595     | 1596080239000  | 1598164109000  | 45268 Stamm Views, Kassulkestad, FL 74590-2871     | Port Delbert           | NULL          | Senger-Gutmann                       | NULL         | TN          | 5        | 1596289310000  | 0            | 1596469652342  |
| k0000000990  | 477985+8129  | 717993-7500  | 98.00471176933468      | 1596464927000  | 1596723318000  | 050 Rafael Neck, Strackeside, LA 51000-4068        | South Criselda         | NULL          | Wiza, Schmeler and Daniel            | NULL         | OH          | 3        | 1596242501000  | 0            | 1596469652342  |
| k0000000491  | 859786-0524  | 782024-9205  | 20.145338636401444     | 1596151346000  | 1597210138000  | 3600 Schmitt Locks, Colettafort, KS 99443-5755     | Criseldaside           | NULL          | Mitchell-Luettgen                    | NULL         | OR          | 4        | 1596157697000  | 0            | 1596469652342  |
| k0000000238  | 442890+8548  | 785265+1717  | 159.2767378246903      | 1596351067000  | 1597763304000  | 055 Ortiz Track, New Chet, ID 65240                | Yelenamouth            | NULL          | Stracke, Ledner and Spencer          | NULL         | MO          | 5        | 1596391097000  | 0            | 1596469652342  |
| k0000000364  | 881110-0480  | 539429-7226  | 189.24358274264387     | 1595904644000  | 1597237824000  | 408 Murazik Bridge, Nelsonmouth, IN 73573          | West Nicky             | NULL          | Abbott, Walker and Thompson          | NULL         | WV          | 4        | 1596418615000  | 0            | 1596469652342  |
| k0000000991  | 271685+7676  | 348309-5741  | 136.71243143002636     | 1596019614000  | 1597387218000  | Suite 118 44901 Nathanael Motorway, North Diane, HI 83016-3989 | Deneseburgh            | NULL          | Parker-Mann                          | NULL         | PA          | 3        | 1596205754000  | 0            | 1596469652342  |

Create and query orders external view

-- Define a view of data consumed within the past 15 minutes
drop view if exists orders_view;
CREATE VIEW orders_view AS SELECT payload.after.orderid,payload.after.customerid,payload.after.employeeid,payload.after.freight,payload.after.orderdate,payload.after.requireddate,payload.after.shipaddress,payload.after.shipcity,payload.after.shiptcountry,payload.after.shipname,payload.after.shippostcal,payload.after.shipregion,payload.after.shipvia,payload.after.shippeddate,`__partition`,`__timestamp` 
 ADDED FROM orders
 WHERE `__timestamp` >  1000 * to_unix_timestamp(CURRENT_TIMESTAMP - interval '15' MINUTES);

-- Query orders
select * from orders_view;


| orders_view.orderid  | orders_view.customerid  | orders_view.employeeid  |  orders_view.freight  | orders_view.orderdate  | orders_view.requireddate  |              orders_view.shipaddress               |  orders_view.shipcity   | orders_view.shiptcountry  |          orders_view.shipname           | orders_view.shippostcal  | orders_view.shipregion  | orders_view.shipvia  | orders_view.shippeddate  | orders_view.__partition  | orders_view.added  |
| k0000000732          | 526426+2257             | 096328-7565             | 49.75281954662483      | 1596432948000          | 1597441652000             | 88189 Kuhn Harbors, Lake Lowell, OR 24748          | New Ronny              | NULL                      | Lowe, Renner and Sporer              | NULL                     | TX                      | 5                    | 1596345855000            | 0
      | 1596469652342      |
| k0000000611          | 419361-1507             | 964964-3342             | 101.46675311345439     | 1596229015000          | 1597206655000             | 2614 Dicki Forest, Marcelland, SD 50957-9374       | West Sanjuanita        | NULL                      | Steuber, Stoltenberg and Roberts     | NULL                     | SC                      | 3                    | 1596433994000            | 0
      | 1596469652342      |
| k0000000107          | 984196-2058             | 852201-2339             | 128.41905675703595     | 1596080239000          | 1598164109000             | 45268 Stamm Views, Kassulkestad, FL 74590-2871     | Port Delbert           | NULL                      | Senger-Gutmann                       | NULL                     | TN                      | 5                    | 1596289310000            | 0
      | 1596469652342      |
| k0000000990          | 477985+8129             | 717993-7500             | 98.00471176933468      | 1596464927000          | 1596723318000             | 050 Rafael Neck, Strackeside, LA 51000-4068        | South Criselda         | NULL                      | Wiza, Schmeler and Daniel            | NULL                     | OH                      | 3                    | 1596242501000            | 0
      | 1596469652342      |
| k0000000491          | 859786-0524             | 782024-9205             | 20.145338636401444     | 1596151346000          | 1597210138000             | 3600 Schmitt Locks, Colettafort, KS 99443-5755     | Criseldaside           | NULL                      | Mitchell-Luettgen                    | NULL                     | OR                      | 4                    | 1596157697000            | 0
      | 1596469652342      |
| k0000000238          | 442890+8548             | 785265+1717             | 159.2767378246903      | 1596351067000          | 1597763304000             | 055 Ortiz Track, New Chet, ID 65240                | Yelenamouth            | NULL                      | Stracke, Ledner and Spencer          | NULL                     | MO                      | 5                    | 1596391097000            | 0
      | 1596469652342      |
| k0000000364          | 881110-0480             | 539429-7226             | 189.24358274264387     | 1595904644000          | 1597237824000             | 408 Murazik Bridge, Nelsonmouth, IN 73573          | West Nicky             | NULL                      | Abbott, Walker and Thompson          | NULL                     | WV                      | 4                    | 1596418615000            | 0
      | 1596469652342      |

Join customers and orders (Unfortunately the following join queries do NOT work! They return empty resut sets):

-- Join external tables
select c.payload.after.customerid,c.payload.after.address,
from customers c
inner join orders o
on (c.payload.after.customerid=o.payload.after.customerid);

-- Join external views
select c.customerid,c.address,o.orderid,o.customerid,o.freight
from customers_view c
inner join orders_view o
on (c.customerid=o.customerid);

Quit BeeLine:


5. Watch topics

cd_docker debezium_hive_kafka/bin_sh
./watch_topic customers
./watch_topic orders

6. Run MySQL CLI

cd_docker debezium_hive_kafka/bin_sh

Run join query (the same join query that fails to return results in BeeLine):

use nw;
select c.customerid,c.address,o.orderid,o.customerid,o.freight \
from customers c \
inner join orders o \
on (c.customerid=o.customerid) order by c.customerid,o.orderid limit 10;


| customerid  | address                                | orderid     | customerid  | freight            |
| 000000-0000 | 87275 Braun Fork, Oleviaberg, UT 37692 | k0000000061 | 000000-0000 |  183.2003205224064 |
| 000000-0000 | 87275 Braun Fork, Oleviaberg, UT 37692 | k0000000119 | 000000-0000 |  79.13616628215891 |
| 000000-0000 | 87275 Braun Fork, Oleviaberg, UT 37692 | k0000000367 | 000000-0000 | 131.17431206391797 |
| 000000-0000 | 87275 Braun Fork, Oleviaberg, UT 37692 | k0000000458 | 000000-0000 | 12.942857558373056 |
| 000000-0000 | 87275 Braun Fork, Oleviaberg, UT 37692 | k0000000466 | 000000-0000 | 162.04410295514916 |
| 000000-0000 | 87275 Braun Fork, Oleviaberg, UT 37692 | k0000000511 | 000000-0000 | 159.11071413452137 |
| 000000-0000 | 87275 Braun Fork, Oleviaberg, UT 37692 | k0000000554 | 000000-0000 | 190.57896454999562 |
| 000000-0000 | 87275 Braun Fork, Oleviaberg, UT 37692 | k0000000616 | 000000-0000 |  70.52119493931302 |
| 000000-0000 | 87275 Braun Fork, Oleviaberg, UT 37692 | k0000000626 | 000000-0000 | 124.88138873246994 |
| 000000-0000 | 87275 Braun Fork, Oleviaberg, UT 37692 | k0000000681 | 000000-0000 |   88.1207903407194 |

7. Check Kafka Connect

# Check status
curl -Ss -H "Accept:application/json" localhost:8083/ | jq

# List registered connectors 
curl -Ss -H "Accept:application/json" localhost:8083/connectors/ | jq

The last command should display the connectors that we registered previously.


8. Run Geode gfsh

The run_gfsh script logs into the locator container and starts gfsh. You can connect to the default locator, localhost[10334], and execture OQL queries to verify MySQL data ingested via Debezium is also captured in the Geode cluster.

Login to gfsh:

cd_docker debezium_hive_kafka/bin_sh

From gfsh, query the /nw/customers and /nw/orders regions.

# Connect to the default locator

# View region sizes
describe region --name=/nw/customers
describe region --name=/nw/orders

# Execute OQL queries on /nw/customers and /nw/orders
query --query="select * from /nw/customers limit 100"
query --query="select * from /nw/orders limit 100"

If you get a query error message similart to the following,

Computed ColSize=0 Set RESULT_VIEWER to external. This uses the 'less' command (with horizontal scrolling) to see wider results

then set the APP_RESULT_VIEWER to "external" and run the queries again.

set variable --name=APP_RESULT_VIEWER --value=“external”

Quit gfsh:


9. JDBC Browser

To browse Kafka stream data using Hive via JDBC, add all the jar files in the padogrid/lib/jdbc directory in the class path and configure your client with the following.

  • JDBC URL: jdbc:hive2://localhost:10000/default
  • Dirver Class Name: org.apache.hive.jdbc.HiveDriver
cd_docker debezium_hive_kafka
tree padogrid/lib/jdbc

Output (JDBC jar files):

├── commons-logging-1.2.jar
├── curator-client-2.12.0.jar
├── guava-19.0.jar
├── hadoop-common-2.6.0.jar
├── hive-common-3.1.2.jar
├── hive-jdbc-3.1.2.jar
├── hive-metastore-3.1.2.jar
├── hive-serde-3.1.2.jar
├── hive-service-3.1.2.jar
├── hive-service-rpc-3.1.2.jar
├── httpclient-4.5.2.jar
├── httpcore-4.4.4.jar
├── libthrift-0.9.3.jar
└── slf4j-api-1.7.10.jar

SQuirreL SQL Client:

SQuirreL SQL Client

10. Run Power BI

This bundle includes the following Power BI files for generating reports by executing OQL queries using the Geode/GemFire REST API.

cd_docker debezium_hive_kafka
tree etc/powerbi


├── customer-orders.pbix
└── nw.pbix

The included *.pbix files are identical to the ones found in the Power BI bundle. For Power BI instructions, follow the link below.


10.1. Hive ODBC Driver

If you want to create reports using the Hive data, then download and install Microsoft Hive ODBC Driver from the following link.


Once installed, add a Hive DSN with the following configuration.

  • Host(s): localhost
  • Port: 10000
  • Database: default
  • Authentication/Mechanism: User Name

From Power BI, select Get Data/Other/ODBC and select the Hive ODBC DSN. If it prompts for user name and password, enter any letters to login.

11. Run NiFi

This bundle also includes NiFi, which can be started as follows.

cd_docker debezium_hive_kafka/bin_sh

URL: https://localhost:8443/nifi

Run the following to get the generated user name and password from the log file.

docker logs nifi |grep -i generated

Once started, from the browser, import the following template file.

cd_docker debezium_hive_kafka
cat etc/nifi/template-Kafka_Live_Archive.xml

Template upload steps:

  1. From the canvas, click the right mouse button to open the popup menu.
  2. Select Upload template from the popup menu.
  3. Select and upload the template-Kafka_Live_Archive.xml template file from the Upload Template dialog.
  4. Drag the Template icon in the toolbar into the canvas.
  5. Select and add the Kafka Live Archive template from pulldown.
  6. Start the Kafka Live Archive group.

The Kafka Live Archive group generates JSON files in the padogrid/nifi/data/json directory upon receipt of Debezium events from the Kafka topics, customers and orders. Each file represents a Debezium event containing a database CDC record. Run the perf_test app again to generate Kafka events.

cd_docker debezium_hive_kafka
tree padogrid/nifi/data/json/


├── ...
├── ffca5dc0-b62a-4b61-a0c2-d8366e21851f
├── ffca8531-c2e3-4c66-b3ef-72ffddefd6eb
├── fff1d58c-94f6-4560-91d5-19670bc2985c
└── ffff96b1-e575-4d80-8a0a-53032de8bd44


# Shutdown Debezium containers
cd_docker debezium_hive_kafka
docker compose down

# Stop NiFi
cd_docker debezium_hive_kafka/bin_sh

# Shutdown Geode containers
cd_docker geode
docker compose down

# Remove network
docker network rm my_network

# Prune all stopped containers 
docker container prune


  1. Debizium-Kafka Geode Connector, PadoGrid bundle, https://github.com/padogrid/bundle-geode-1-docker-debezium_kafka
  2. Debezium-KSQL-Kafka Geode Connector, Padogrid bundle, https://github.com/padogrid/bundle-geode-1-docker-debezium_ksql_kafka
  3. Apache Hive, https://hive.apache.org
  4. Apache Hive GitHub, https://github.com/apache/hive
  5. NiFi Documentation, http://nifi.apache.org/docs.html

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