
Module to deploy a RDS Instance

Primary LanguageHCLApache License 2.0Apache-2.0

AWS RDS Terraform module

Terraform module which creates RDS resources on AWS.

User Stories for this module

  • AAOps I can create a Postgres, MariaDB or MySQL database with its name, subnet, version, disk (type and size), maximum number of connections and activate (or not) high availability
  • AAOps I can force SSL connections to the database
  • AAOps I can store my DB credentials in SecretManager
  • AAOps AAOps I can encrypt my database with an existing KMS Key (Custom or AWS-managed) or have it generated by the module


module "rds" {
  source = "https://github.com/padok-team/terraform-aws-rds.git?ref=v1.0.1"

  aws_region = "eu-west-3"

  identifier = "rds-poc-library-multi-az"

  engine              = "postgres"
  engine_version      = "13.4"
  db_parameter_family = "postgres13"
  name                = "aws_rds_instance_poc_library_multi_az"
  username            = "aws_rds_instance_user_poc_library_multi_az"

  subnet_ids = ["subnet-0f55d716e3746c4db", "subnet-0ced4e0a55a479422", "subnet-0005a41a2318130e5"]
  vpc_id     = "vpc-0fcea78a178762e3f"



No modules.


Name Description Type Default Required
db_parameter_family The family of the DB parameter group. Should be one of: postgres11, postgres12, postgres13, mysql5.6, mysql5.7, mysql8.0 for MySQL or Postgres string n/a yes
engine Engine used for your RDS instance (mysql, postgres ...) string n/a yes
engine_version Version of your engine string n/a yes
identifier Unique identifier for your RDS instance. For example, aws_rds_instance_postgres_poc_library_break string n/a yes
subnet_ids A list of VPC subnet IDs to create your db subnet group list(string) n/a yes
vpc_id ID of the VPC to deploy the database to string n/a yes
allocated_storage Storage allocated to your RDS instance in Gigabytes number 10 no
allow_major_version_upgrade Indicates that major version upgrades are allowed bool false no
apply_immediately Specifies if database modifications should be applied immediately, or during the next maintenance window bool false no
arn_custom_backups_kms_key Arn of your custom KMS Key for backups. string null no
arn_custom_kms_key Arn of your custom KMS Key. Useful only if custom_kms_key is set to true string null no
arn_custom_kms_key_secret Encrypt AWS secret with CMK string null no
auto_minor_version_upgrade Indicates that minor engine upgrades will be applied automatically to the DB instance during the maintenance window bool true no
availability_zone Availability zone to use when Multi AZ is disabled string "eu-west-3a" no
backup_retention_period Backup retention period number 30 no
cross_region_backup_replication Wheter or not enable cross region backups replication bool true no
deletion_protection If the DB instance should have deletion protection enabled. The database can't be deleted when this value is set to true bool true no
force_ssl Force SSL for DB connections, only works with Postgres engine string true no
iam_database_authentication_enabled Specifies whether or not mappings of AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM) accounts to database accounts are enabled bool false no
instance_class Instance class for your RDS instance string "db.t3.micro" no
maintenance_window The window to perform maintenance in. Syntax: 'ddd:hh24:mi-ddd:hh24:mi'. Eg: 'Mon:00:00-Mon:03:00' string "Mon:00:00-Mon:03:00" no
max_allocated_storage When configured, the upper limit to which Amazon RDS can automatically scale the storage of the DB instance number 50 no
multi_az Set to true to deploy a multi AZ RDS instance bool false no
name Name of your database in your RDS instance string "aws_padok_database_instance" no
parameters List of paramaters to add to the database
name = string
value = string
apply_method = string
[] no
password_length Password length for db master user, Minimum length is 25 number 40 no
performance_insights_enabled Set to true to enable performance insights on your RDS instance bool true no
port The port on which the DB accepts connections. Default is chosen depeding on the engine number null no
publicly_accessible Boolean to control if instance is publicly accessible. bool false no
rds_secret_recovery_window_in_days Secret recovery window in days number 10 no
rds_skip_final_snapshot If set to true, a final DB snapshot will be created before the DB instance is deleted bool false no
security_group_ids Security group IDs allowed to connect to the RDS Instance list(string) [] no
storage_type One of 'standard' (magnetic), 'gp2' (general purpose SSD), or 'io1' (provisioned IOPS SSD) string "gp2" no
username Name of the master user for the database in your RDS Instance string "admin" no


Name Description
security_group Security group of the RDS Instance
this RDS Instance

Next Steps

  • Read Replicas
  • RDS Proxy



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