
A set of tutorials for msprime and tskit.

Primary LanguageJupyter NotebookCreative Commons Attribution 4.0 InternationalCC-BY-4.0


A set of tutorials for the tskit ecosystem build using Jupyter Book

Under construction

These are quick notes for developers while the real developers page is under construction.

  • To add a new tutorial, create a Markdown file and add its name to _toc.yml.
  • If you are basing the tutorial on an existing notebook, use jupytext to convert the notebook into the right format.
  • To build locally, run make. The output tells you where to find the built HTML.
  • Pages rendered at https://tskit-dev.github.io/tutorials/
  • Pages might take a while to be updated after a new tutorial is merged.

If you have an idea for a tutorial, please open an issue to discuss.