
This is a landscape of the infrastructure that powers the generative AI ecosystem

Primary LanguageHTML

This is a landscape of the infrastructure that powers the generative AI ecosystem. We welcome contributions from the community.

Add a new project

To add a new project, please open a pull request with your changes to the data.yml file. The pull request should include a single line entry to the file, with the following format:

  - category:
    name: Category Name
      - subcategory:
        name: Subcategory Name
          - item: ...
          - item:
            crunchbase: https://www.crunchbase.com/organization/tensorchord
            description: Scalable Vector Search in Postgres. Revolutionize Vector Search, not Database.
            homepage_url: https://pgvecto.rs
            logo: pgvectors.svg
            name: pgvecto.rs
            project: opensource
            repo_url: https://github.com/tensorchord/pgvecto.rs
            twitter: https://twitter.com/tensorchord

The logo should be a SVG file, and should be placed in the logos directory. The logo should be named after the project, with all non-alphanumeric characters removed. For example, the logo for pgvecto.rs is named pgvectors.svg.

Build the site

You do not need to build the site to add a new project. Only data.yml and logos need to be updated.

To build the site, you will need to have our own langdscape2 fork installed. Then, run the following commands:

landscape2 build --data-file data.yml --settings-file settings.yml --guide-file guide.yml --logos-path logos --output-dir build --cache-dir cache-dir

Then you could serve the site locally with:

landscape2 serve --landscape-dir build


This landscape is based on the CNCF Cloud Native Landscape2