
COVID Pandemic 🔎 Visual Data Explorer using Python 3 and Streamlit (and Pandas and Altair)

Primary LanguagePython

COVID Pandemic 🔎 Visual Data Explorer using Python 3 and Streamlit (and Pandas and Altair)

Open in Streamlit

Dev How To

  • Install direnv and make sure path to python and pip bin folders are present in the PATH env var

    • on MacOS (with Python 3.9 already installed with brew install python@3.9):
    brew install direnv
    cd pandemia-covid-streamlit
    echo export PATH="/usr/local/opt/python@3.9/libexec/bin:$PATH" > .envrc
  • Install pipenv, activate the environment and install streamlit:

    pip install pipenv
    pipenv shell
    pipenv install streamlit
  • Run the app:

    streamlit run streamlit_app.py

💡 To install dependencies from Pipfile.lock, run pipenv shell and then pipenv sync.

💡 In Visual Studio Code, to use the correct python interpreter, run the >Python: Select Interpreter VS Code command (Cmd+Shift+P on MacOS) and select the one in your virtual environment. To find out which one needs to be selected, run pipenv shell in the terminal and then which python.