ActiveAdmin app for exploring Eventide MessageDB messages
Configure your message store connection in the environment and run make
export PGHOST=
export PGUSER=
You can explore your messages at admin at http://localhost:3000/
A docker-compose.yml file is included to support local development, if you wish to run a local instance of the message store and also Postgres instance (for authenticaion).
docker-compose up
rails db:migrate
rails server
The message store runs on the default Postgres pots 5432. The Postgres db is the primary Rails db and exists to allow for ActiveAdmin comments and authenticaion. This database is not needed in order to explore the message store but might be necessary to support authentication in a deployed or production environment.
Message store and database configuration information can be found in config/database.yml
By default the app listens on port 3000. This can be overwritten by exporting a PORT variable.
# listen port 8080
export PORT=8080
Authentication is disabled by default. See details in the guide
to enable authenticaion. If use enable admin user authentication you can create a user with rails runner 'AdminUser.create email: "", password: "password"'
docker-compose up
bin/rails db:environment:set RAILS_ENV=test
bin/rails test