
Multiple executions of the same engine at the same time.

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If I set up a service that invokes a process on demand, can multiple executions of a process be running on the same engine at the same time or do I need to create an Engine per execution?

Thank you.

One engine handles one execution. A definition may start multiple processes, e.g. a multi-instance call activity.

Thanks for responding.

If the process represents the on-boarding of customers for example. You'd model it as a single execution that can respond to events about the need for a new customer and then invoke the "onboard a single customer" activity?

If so, the list of postponed things can include the same task multiple times? How might you associate a postponed task with the customer that it represents? Do you bake in the customer info into every message that traces back to their on-boarding event?

Sorry for the n00b questions.

Any update on how to do such scenario efficiently. I'm in a similar situation for a workflow management tool.

I have started project called bpmn-middleware that may address your questions. It's not at all completed but could be used as inspiration.