- 1
- 2
- 4
- 9
Exclusive OR Gate Execution Fails with Latest BPMN Engine Version, Works in 8.6.0
#193 opened by Myasir92 - 2
Custom Tasks
#192 opened by phxgbl - 7
- 1
state persistence
#190 opened by adyfk - 3
Using conditional boundary event
#174 opened by rusaym - 15
Subprocess elements limit
#188 opened by shaansriv - 1
- 5
Cycle timer event
#179 opened by havsar - 4
- 1
Variables Scoping
#154 opened by BaluprasathSBP - 5
Event sub process errors on second event
#180 opened by waeljammal - 3
Does IntermediateCatchEvent Element supported?
#183 opened by shujer - 7
- 1
- 2
persistent a flow
#186 opened by eyes4 - 3
#185 opened by Kirikkayis - 3
How to retry failed ScriptTask?
#182 opened by sumbricht - 0
BoundaryError from ServiceTask
#178 opened by py6jlb - 5
Correct way for error handling
#175 opened by mrpotato3 - 0
SequenseFlow customization
#176 opened by py6jlb - 2
- 1
nested usertask subprocess
#163 opened by denelvis - 10
bpmn-engine is not waiting for async calls
#172 opened by ermarkar - 9
Update executed timer
#170 opened by rusaym - 3
Identifying swim lanes a task belongs to
#171 opened by AgileEduLabs - 1
bpmn-engine as an express service
#156 opened by rusaym - 3
- 1
- 1
Is there a generic way to call ServiceTasks other than expressions?
#159 opened by MaheshkumarSundaram - 1
Guidance to handle an use case
#160 opened by MaheshkumarSundaram - 3
override value of variable when recover
#162 opened by tttclz - 4
What is the DB support to use along with the BPMN Engine
#164 opened by RameshRM - 4
The example code is producing an error.
#169 opened by Liang-Feifei - 3
- 2
ConditionExpression ignored
#165 opened by petermorlion - 3
Changing environment variable inside script task
#157 opened by rusaym - 4
- 1
- 1
What if the server has to restart and the engine was waiting for a timer to complete
#152 opened by BaluprasathSBP - 3
Removing wrong event listener in the case of an error.
#148 opened by allain - 3
Trigger Error from inside Task
#145 opened by elmurd0r - 4
Inconsistent payload for the signal function?
#144 opened by pmullot - 6
Boundary Timer Event
#142 opened by Kirikkayis - 4
- 3
- 6
Asynchronous/delayed signal: How?
#143 opened by pmullot - 0
How to STOP the engine?
#140 opened by Kirikkayis