
Does IntermediateCatchEvent Element supported?

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hi, master, I try to use servicetak + IntermediateCatchEvent to handle some callback service task,but seems signal doesn't work.
The process was blocked by wait message, if I use userTask the signal API works well.

Have you tried signaling with the Signal Id? The intermediate catch event id won’t work.

any different usage of signal between userTask and IntermediateCatchEvent?

I trigger by engine.execution.signal({id: "IntermediateCatchEvent_id"}), which IntermediateCatchEvent_id is same as the id in bpmn definition element. how to get Signal Id?

Not sure how your flow is designed.

The behaviour differs, a user task can be signaled before it is running since it collects signals by default. An "empty" intermediate catch event, i.e. without an event definition (signal, message, timer, etc), will have to be running before it can be signaled with id to continue.

An intermediate catch event defined as a signal or message will have a reference in the source Xml to a Signal- or Message-element with an id that can be used to signal the flow.