
Unofficial signavio workflow api wrapper

Primary LanguageJavaScriptBSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" LicenseBSD-3-Clause

node signavio workflow api

Project Status: Inactive - The project has reached a stable, usable state but is no longer being actively developed; support/maintenance will be provided as time allows.

Unofficial node signavio workflow api wrapper.

Table of contents


The module is auto-generated from the signavio documentation json-endpoint.


Some examples of how to use the API-wrapper.

Initiate new case with form trigger

First off you need to get the start form to trigger, then initiate a new case with the form fields:

const SignavioApi = require('signavio-api');
const options = {
  credentials: {
    username: 'me@example.com',
    password: 'sup3rs3cr3t'

const workflows = new SignavioApi.Workflow(options);
const cases = new SignavioApi.Case(options);

const organisationKey = '<organisationKey>';
const workflowId = '<workflow-id>';

// Get workflow start form
workflows.getProcessStartForm(organisationKey, workflowId, (err, startForm, resp) => {
  console.log(err, startForm, resp.statusCode);

  // Fill the form with values - example
  startForm.fields[0].value = 'start-value-1';
  startForm.fields[1].value = 'start-value-2';

  const startProcessPayload = {
    triggerInstance: {
      sourceWorkflowId: workflowId,
      data: {
        formInstance: {
          value: startForm

  // Initiate new process
  cases.createCases(startProcessPayload, (err, newCase, resp) => {
    console.log(err, newCase, resp.statusCode);


Complete next task

Get pending tasks from the previously initiated case. Set form field values, if any. Call completeTask.

const SignavioApi = require('signavio-api');
const options = {
  credentials: {
    username: 'me@example.com',
    password: 'sup3rs3cr3t'

const cases = new SignavioApi.Case(options);
const tasks = new SignavioApi.Task(options);

const organisationKey = '<organisationKey>';
// Case Id from when initiating new case
const caseId = '<case-id>';

// Get pending tasks
cases.getCaseTasks(organizationKey, caseId, false, (err, pendingTasks, resp) => {
  if (err) return console.log(err);

  const nextTasks = pendingTasks.filter((t) => {
    return !t.completed;
  if (!nextTasks.length) {
    console.log(`case ${caseId} has no incomplete tasks`);

  const nextTask = nextTasks[0];

  if (nextTask.hasForm) {
    // Set task field values
    const field1 = tasks.getFormFieldByName(nextTask, 'my-field-name');
    field1.value = 'OK';

  tasks.completeTask(organizationKey, nextTask.id, nextTask.form.fields || [], (err, result, resp) => {
    console.log(err, result, resp);


All Api-endpoints are represented.


The interface constructor takes an object with options.

  • options: Object with the following properties:
    • authorization: optional string - Authorization token, will be set as Authorization http header
    • credentials: optional object - Default credentials
      • username: string - Username
      • password: string - Password
    • basePath: optional string - signavio-api base url, defaults to api endpoint documentation basePath
    • baseRequest: optional - Default request
    • log: optional - Logging function, defaults to console.log
    • users: optional - Users instance
    • onUnauthorized: optional function that will be called when an unauthorized call is made


const request = require('request');

const Api = require('signavio-api');
const Users = require('signavio-api').User;

const baseRequest = request.defaults({'proxy':'http://localproxy.com'});

const workflows = new Api.Workflow({
  authorization: 'token',
  credentials: {
    username: 'me@example.com',
    password: 'sup3rs3cr3t'
  basePath: 'http://signavio-cluster.local/api'
  baseRequest: baseRequest

onUnauthorized option

Optional function used to get user authorization token. The function is called when an unauthorized call was made. If a token is returned in callback the operation will be called with then new authorization token. The function is bound to the module instance on execution, i.e. this can be used to access module options.

The function signature is:

  • operationArguments: The actual operation arguments
  • callback:
    • error: Error if any
    • token: The new authorization token to use


const db = require('database'); // Arbitrary database module

function onUnauthorized(operationArgs, callback) {
    username: this.options.credentials.username
  }).exec((err, doc) => {
    if (err) return callback(err);

    // Return token in callback
    return callback(null, doc.token);

let workflows = new Api.Workflow({
  onUnauthorized: onUnauthorized,
  credentials: {
    username: 'me@example.com'


A User instance is created with the same options as the module and this is the function to retrieve it.

Example usage:

const Api = require('signavio-api');

function onUnauthorized(operationArgs, callback) {
  let users = this.getUserInstance();

  let loginOptions = {};
  if (operationArgs.organizationKey) loginOptions.organizationKey = operationArgs.organizationKey;

  users.login('me@example.com', 'sup3rs3cr3t', loginOptions, (err, result) => {
    // Return token in callback
    return callback(err, result && result.token);

const workflows = new Api.Workflow({
  basePath: 'https://signavio.local/api'


All interfaces inherit from EventEmitter.


The authorized event is emitted when a succesfull login was performed.

The listener function will get username and authorization-token.

const Api = require('signavio-api');

let workflows = new Api.Workflow({
  credentials: {
    username: 'me@example.com',
    password: 'sup3rs3cr3t'

workflows.on('authorized', (result) => {
  console.log('A good place to store new token', result.authorization, 'for', result.username);


const Api = require('signavio-api');

const Tasks = Api.Task;
const tasks = new Tasks({
  authorization: 'token'

tasks.createTasks('test-org', { workflowId: '1' }, (err, body, resp) => {
  if (err) console.log(err);


Utility function to get FormField by name from task data.

const Api = require('signavio-api');

const Tasks = Api.Task;
const tasks = new Tasks({
  authorization: 'token'

tasks.getTask('test-org', '1', (err, resp, task1) => {
  if (err) return console.log(err);

  let field = task1.getFormFieldByName(task, 'myField');

  field.value = '123';

  tasks.updateTaskFormField('test-org', task1.id, field.id, field, (err) => {
    console.log('success?', !!!err);


const Api = require('signavio-api');

const Tasks = Api.Task;
const tasks = new Tasks({
  authorization: 'token',
  credentials: {
    username: 'me@example.com',
    password: 'sup3rs3cr3t'

tasks.createTasks('test-org', { workflowId: '1' }, (err, body, resp) => {
  if (err) console.log(err);


Utility function to perform user login.

const Api = require('signavio-api');
const users = new Api.User();

users.login('me@example.com', 'superse3cret', (err, body) => {
  console.log('new token', body.token);

API Generator

Module functions are generated from the api-endpoints.

Naming of operations

The name is composed of the http-operation and the api-endpoint.

HTTP-verb function prefix
GET get
POST create
PUT update
DELETE delete


To call POST /{organizationKey}/tasks:

const Api = require('signavio-api');
const tasks = new Api.Task({authorization: 'token'});

let newTask = {};

tasks.createTasks(organizationKey, newTask, (err, body) => {
  console.log(err, body);

or DELETE /{organizationKey}/workflows/{editorWorkflowId}:

const Api = require('signavio-api');
const workflows = new Api.Workflow({authorization: 'token'});

workflows.deleteWorkflow(organizationKey, workflowId, (err, body) => {
  console.log(err, body);

The plural ending is removed if the noun is immediately followed by a path parameter.

Path parameters

The path parameters will build the method signature. They are considered required.

Query parameters

The query parameters will also be appended to the method signature. All query parametes are considered optional in get-operations.

const Api = require('signavio-api');
const workflows = new Api.Workflow({ authorization: 'token'});

workflows.getWorkflows('test-org', (err, body) => {
  console.log('This should work and result in', body);

If a body is expected, the query parameters must be defined. Since they are optional, a null value is accepted.

Input Schemas

The operation schemas (joi) are stored with the module.

const Api = require('signavio-api');
const inputSchema = Api.Workflow.schemas.getWorkflow.input;

console.log("#getWorkflow input", inputSchema.describe());

const outputSchema = Api.Workflow.schemas.getWorkflow.output;

console.log("#getWorkflow output", outputSchema.describe());

The schemas are also stored with the instance methods.

const Api = require('signavio-api');
const workflows = new Api.Workflow({ authorization: 'token'});


Operation callback

All operations takes callback as final argument. The callback is required.

  • error: Error or null. Api-calls with a http response status code above 399 will be considered an error
  • result: Operation result
  • httpResponse: The HTTP response from the call to the actual api. Should be returned even if an error has occurred


The module uses debug so run with environment variable DEBUG=signavio-api*.