
Primary LanguageGo


Admon is an administration framework for Buffalo application. It aims to provide a way to generate admin portals for buffalo in an easy way.

Admon Preview

Amon is heavily inspired by Active admin.

Using Admon

Admon assumes go modules. To install do:

go get -u -v github.com/paganotoni/admon

Once you've installed the package In your buffalo app.go file you can add:


And assuming models.MyModel is a generated buffalo model, it should just work. You could visit https://localhost:3000/admin/, and see the Admon dashboard.

Advanced configuration

The following example shows a bit more of how to customize Admon list table and forms.

// You can predefine common field labels based on the field name. 
// These would be overridden by field-specific configuration.
portal := admon.NewPortal(admon.Options{
    Prefix:     "/admin",
    DateFormat: "01/02/2006 15:04",

    Fields: admon.FieldOptionsSet{
        {Name: "Name"}, //Selecting specific columns and order.
        {Name: "ShortName"},
        {Name: "Nickname"},
            Name:     "Gender",
            //The label that will be used for forms and table header
            Label:    "Sex",

            // Specifying how to render values for this field. In some cases you would 
            // need to get this field label from the database. You can use the tx for that.
            Renderer: func(value interface{}, tx *pop.Connection)(*tags.Tag, error) {
                badgeClass := "badge badge-danger"
                if fmt.Sprintf("%v", value) == "MENS" {
                    badgeClass = "badge badge-primary"

                return tags.New("span", tags.Options{"class": badgeClass, "body": value}), nil
            // Specifying what kind of field will be shown in the form.
            Input: admon.InputOptions{
                Type:          admon.InputTypeSelect,

                // Pass a Select options builder. This can also get options from the database.
                SelectOptionsBuilder: func(tx *pop.Connection) (interface{}, error) {
                    return []interface{}{"", "MENS", "WOMENS"}, nil

⚠️ Important

Admon is still under heavily development and still not production ready. Try and use tagged versions instead of using master.