
Sample Ebonding API Design

Primary LanguageGo

EBonding Library

This is a Go library would allow to call different Wireless Providers, this is for important information that we use on the CPD application.

The Client Interface

In order to guarantee that all the clients provide the same sort of operations each of the carrier implementations should satisfy the ebonding.Client interface which is:

package ebonding

type Client interface {
    // FindDevices return all the devices available for that particular client.
    func FindDevices() ([]Device, error)
    // FindAccessories returns accessories in that particular client catalog.
    func FindAccessories() ([]Accessory, error)


As each of these EBonding API calls will require authenticated access, the API provides a struct to pass those when creating the client.

package ebonding

type Credentials struct {
    Username string
    Password string
    ExtraSettings map[string]interface{}

Creating a Client

In order to create a client the library provides a NewClient function, which can be used like in the following example:

client = ebonding.NewClient(ebonding.ClientTypeATT, ebonding.Credentials{...})

As you might have noticed there is a ebonding.ClientTypeATT constant being passed to the NewClient function. The library should have a number of ClientType constants defined like:

package ebonding

//ClientType constants
const (
    _ = iota

That will be used by the CPD app when calling the NewClient function.


Ebonding library provides a Device struct that represents the devices that each carrier has in their catalog.

type Device struct {
    SKU                 string
    ManufacturerPartID  string

    Color       string 
    OS          string
    Capacity    string
    URL string
    CompatibleAccessories []Accessory

Device Catalog

Ebonding library allows the CPD platform to perform operations over carriers. This is achieved by creating an ebonding client and calling the appropriate method, in this case: FindDevices(options FilterOptions).

import (


// AT&T client
client := ebonding.NewClient(ebonding.ClientATT, ebonding.Credentials{
    Username: "username", 
    Password: "password", 
    ExtraSettings: map[string]string {
        "GroupID": "groupID",

devices, err := client.FindDevices()
if err != nil {
    // Do something with the error, this error could be things like:
    // - Network error
    // - Auth error
    // - Quota exceeded

for _, device := range devices {
    //Should print SKU and description in the response p.e. sku11920100001 : Apple iPhone XR (256GB Black)
    fmt.Sprintf("%v : %v\n", device.SKU, device.Description) 