
  • Create VPC

  • Create Internet Gateway and associate to VPC

  • Create Subnets (in different Availablbilily Zones) and associate to VPC

  • Create Route Table and associate to both Subnets

  • Create ACL and associate to both Subnets

  • Create a Load Balancer Security Group (allow 80 incoming, 80,443 outgoing)

  • Create a Instances Security Group (allow above LBSG and 22 incoming)

  • On EC2, create a Load Balancer, add both Subnets, assign above LBSG

  • Create AMI from existing VM

  • Create Launch Configuration

  • Create Auto Scaling Group with above LC

Docker Commands:

- info : 
- ps : list running containers
- ps -a : list all containers
- run : run a container
- stop <cid|name> : stop a container
- start <cid|name> : start a container
- restart <cid|name> : restart a container
- pause <cid|name> : pause a container
- unpause <cid|name> : unpause a container
- exec : issue command inside running container
- inspect <cid|name> : view container details
- rm <cid|name> : remove a container
- images : list all images
- build : build an image
- tag : name an image
- pull : pull image from hub to local
- rmi <> : push image to hub from local
- inspect <cid|name> : info about the container

- docker run

docker run -dit --name my-apache-app -p 9000:80 -v /home/ec2-user/environment/webapp:/usr/local/apache2/htdocs/ httpd:2.4