Not saving vehicles
victor7376 opened this issue · 4 comments
I love this program but I've got an issue with it lol.
The server & tracking starts up with no problem & gets the feed from my rtsp camera (Tapo C200 - 640x360) & the log shows it is seeing the vehicles going past & calculating the speeds, but its not saving them. But as soon as someone walks past its detecting them & saving those. I've tried to adjust the settings to only save those that are going over a certain speed (I have it showing MPH) but max_speed_over I wasnt sure if this was in MPH or KPH so put it to 10.
---------------- User Configuration Settings for ---------------------------------
Ver 12.00 Variable Configuration Settings
####################################### Variable Settings
Default is 320x240 image stream size
Note motion track crop area is now
auto configured so you may not need to use a plugin
to change resolution.
Calibration Settings
calibrate = False # Create a calibration image file with calibration hash markers 10 px per mark
align_cam_on = False # Default=False True Saves align_cam.jpg See Web page recent align cam
align_delay_sec = 2 # Default=2 seconds delay between each alignment image (disables motion tracking)cal_obj_px_L2R = 180 # L2R Moving Objects, Length of a calibration object in pixels
cal_obj_mm_L2R = 4000 # L2R Moving Objects, Length of the calibration object in millimetrescal_obj_px_R2L = 180 # R2L Moving Objects, Length of a calibration object in pixels
cal_obj_mm_R2L = 4000 # R2L Moving Objects, Length of the calibration object in millimetresCamera Settings
CAMERA = "ipcam" # valid values are usbcam, ipcam, pilibcam, pilegcam
CAM_LOCATION = 'None' # Specify an address, physical location Etc for cameraLibcam (Bullseye or later) and Legacy Pi Camera Settings
CAMERA_WIDTH = 320 # Image stream width for opencv motion scanning Default=320
CAMERA_HEIGHT = 240 # Image stream height for opencv motion scanning Default=240
CAMERA_FRAMERATE = 22 # Default= 20 Frame rate for video stream V2 picam can be higher
CAMERA_ROTATION = 0 # Rotate camera image valid values are 0, 90, 180, 270
CAMERA_VFLIP = True # Flip the camera image vertically if required
CAMERA_HFLIP = True # Flip the camera image horizontally if requiredUSB, WEB and RTSP IP Cam Settings
USBCAM_SRC = 1 # Used if CAMERA = "usbcam"
IPCAM_SRC = "rtsp://username:password@" # Set low res stream per IP Cam Docs and config
WEBCAM_WIDTH = 640 # Default= 320 USB, RTSP cam image stream width
WEBCAM_HEIGHT = 360 # Default= 240 USB, RTSP cam image stream height
WEBCAM_HFLIP = False # Default= False USB Webcam flip image horizontally
WEBCAM_VFLIP = False # Default= False USB Webcam flip image vertically
# IMPORTANT Webcam Streaming Performance Hit if Stream Flipped.Note if tested speed is too low increase appropriate cal_obj_mm value and redo speed test for desired direction.
IMPORTANT - If plugins Enabled Edit Settings in specified plugin file located in plugins folder.
Plugins overlay the variable settings
pluginEnable = True
pluginName = "picam240" # Specify filename in plugins subfolder without .py extension per below
# picam240, webcam240 (Recommended for RPI2 or greater)
# picam480, webcam480, picam720, webcam720 (can use RPI3 but Test)
# picam1080 (Experimental Not Recommended)
# secpicam480, secwebcam480 (Experimental no CSV entries)Display opencv windows on gui desktop
gui_window_on suppresses All Windows if False
gui_window_on = True # True= Turn On All desktop GUI openCV windows. False=Don't Show (req'd for SSH) .
gui_show_camera = True # True=Show the camera on gui windows. False=Don't Show (useful for image_sign)
show_thresh_on = True # Display desktop GUI openCV cropped threshold window. True=Show, False=Don't Show
show_crop_on = True # Same as show_thresh_on but in color. True=Show, False=Don't Show (Default)Display and Log settings
verbose = True # True= Display basic status information on console False= Off
display_fps = True # True= Show average frame count every 1000 loops False= Off
log_data_to_CSV = True # True= Save log data as CSV comma separated values False= Off
loggingToFile = True # True= Send logging to file False= No Logging to File
logFilePath = 'speed-cam.log' # Location of log file when loggingToFile=TrueMotion Event Settings
SPEED_MPH = True # Set Speed Units kph=False mph=True
track_counter = 20 # Default= 6 Number of Consecutive Motion Events to trigger speed photo. Adjust to suit.
# Suggest single core cpu=4-7 quad core=8-15 but adjust to smooth erratic readings due to contour jumps
MIN_AREA =1000 # Default= 200 Exclude all contours less than or equal to this sq-px Area
show_out_range = True # Default= True Show Out of Range Events per x_diff settings below False= Off
x_diff_max = 24 # Default= 20 Exclude if max px away >= last motion event x position
x_diff_min = 1 # Default= 1 Exclude if min px away <= last event x position
x_buf_adjust = 10 # Default= 10 Divides motion Rect x for L&R Buffer Space to Ensure contours are in
track_timeout = 0.5 # Default= 0.5 Optional seconds to wait after track End (Avoids dual tracking)
event_timeout = 0.3 # Default= 0.3 seconds to wait for next motion event before starting new track
max_speed_over = 15 # Exclude track if Speed less than or equal to value specified 0=All
# Can be useful to exclude pedestrians and/or bikes, Etc or track only fast objectsMotion Tracking Window Crop Area Settings
Note: Values based on 320x240 image stream size.
If variable is commented, value will be set automatically based on image size.
To see motion tracking crop area on images, Set variable image_show_motion_area = True
Set align_cam_on = True to help with adjusting settings.
uncomment to set the red box - roydz
#x_left = 50 # Default=50 comment variable for auto calculate
#x_right = 50 # Default=250 comment variable for auto calculate
#y_upper = 190 # Default=90 comment variable for auto calculate
#y_lower = 50 # Default=150 comment variable for auto calculateCamera Image Settings
image_path = "media/images" # folder name to store images
image_prefix = "speed-" # image name prefix
image_format = ".jpg" # Default = ".jpg" image Formats .jpg .jpeg .png .gif .bmp
image_jpeg_quality = 98 # Set the quality of the jpeg. Default = 95
image_jpeg_optimize = True # Optimize the image. Default = False
image_show_motion_area = True # True= Display motion detection rectangle area on saved images
image_filename_speed = True # True= Include speed value in filename
image_text_on = True # True= Show Text on speed images False= No Text on images
image_text_bottom = True # True= Show image text at bottom otherwise at top
image_font_size = 12 # Default= 12 Font text height in px for text on images
image_font_scale = 0.5 # Default= 0.5 Font scale factor that is multiplied by the font-specific base size.
image_font_thickness = 2 # Default= 2 Font text thickness in px for text on images
image_font_color = (255, 255, 255) # Default= (255, 255, 255) White
image_bigger = 3.0 # Default= 3.0 min=0.1 Resize saved speed image by specified multiplier value
image_max_files = 0 # 0=off or specify MaxFiles to maintain then oldest are deleted Default=0 (off)image_sign_on = False
image_sign_show_camera = False
image_sign_resize = (1280, 720)
image_sign_text_xy = (100, 675)
image_sign_font_scale = 30.0
image_sign_font_thickness = 60
image_sign_font_color = (255, 255, 255)
image_sign_timeout = 5 # Keep the image sign for 5 seconds.Optional Manage SubDir Creation by time, number of files or both (not recommended)
imageSubDirMaxFiles = 2000 # 0=off or specify MaxFiles - Creates New dated sub-folder if MaxFiles exceeded
imageSubDirMaxHours = 0 # 0=off or specify MaxHours - Creates New dated sub-folder if MaxHours exceededOptional Save Most Recent files in recent folder
imageRecentMax = 100 # 0=off Maintain specified number of most recent files in motionRecentDir
imageRecentDir = "media/recent" # Default= "media/recent" save recent files directory pathOptional Manage Free Disk Space Settings
spaceTimerHrs = 0 # Default= 0 0=off or specify hours frequency to perform free disk space check
spaceFreeMB = 500 # Default= 500 Target Free space in MB Required.
spaceMediaDir = 'media/images' # Default= 'media/images' Starting point for directory walk
spaceFileExt = 'jpg' # Default= 'jpg' File extension to Delete Oldest FilesOpenCV Motion Settings
SHOW_CIRCLE = False # True=circle in center of motion, False=rectangle
CIRCLE_SIZE = 5 # Default= 5 Diameter circle in px if SHOW_CIRCLE = True
LINE_THICKNESS = 1 # Default= 1 Size of lines for circle or Rectangle
FONT_SCALE = 0.5 # Default= 0.5 OpenCV window text font size scaling factor Default=.5 (lower is smaller)
WINDOW_BIGGER = 1.0 # Default= 1.0 min=0.1 Resize multiplier for opencv window if gui_window_on=True
BLUR_SIZE = 10 # Default= 10 OpenCV setting for Gaussian difference image blur
THRESHOLD_SENSITIVITY = 20 # Default= 20 OpenCV setting for difference image thresholdSqlite3 Settings
DB_DIR = "data"
DB_NAME = "speed_cam.db"
DB_TABLE = "speed"matplotlib graph image settings
GRAPH_PATH = 'media/graphs' # Directory path for storing graph images
GRAPH_ADD_DATE_TO_FILENAME = False # True - Prefix graph image filenames with datetime default = False
GRAPH_RUN_TIMER_HOURS = 0.5 # Default= 0.5 Update Graphs every specified hours wait (Continuous).List of sql query Data for and (with no parameters)
[[Group_By, Days_Prev, Speed_Over]] where Group_By is 'hour', 'day' or 'month'
['day', 28, 10],
['hour', 28, 10],
['hour', 7, 0],
['hour', 2, 0]
]#====================================== Settings
Web Server settings
web_server_port = 8080 # Default= 8080 Web server access port eg
web_server_root = "media" # Default= "media" webserver root path to webserver image/video sub-folders
web_page_title = "SPEED-CAMERA Media" # web page title that browser show (not displayed on web page)
web_page_refresh_on = True # False=Off (never) Refresh True=On (per seconds below)
web_page_refresh_sec = "400" # Default= "900" seconds to wait for web page refresh seconds (15 minutes)
web_page_blank = False # True Starts left image with a blank page until a right menu item is selected
# False displays second list[1] item since first may be in progressLeft iFrame Image Settings
web_image_height = "768" # Default= "768" px height of images to display in iframe
web_iframe_width_usage = "70%" # Left Pane - Sets % of total screen width allowed for iframe. Rest for right list
web_iframe_width = "100%" # Desired frame width to display images. can be eg percent "80%" or px "1280"
web_iframe_height = "100%" # Desired frame height to display images. Scroll bars if image larger (percent or px)Right Side Files List
web_max_list_entries = 0 # 0 = All or Specify Max right side file entries to show (must be > 1)
web_list_height = web_image_height # Right List - side menu height in px (link selection)
web_list_by_datetime = True # True=datetime False=filename
web_list_sort_descending = True # reverse sort order (filename or datetime per web_list_by_datetime setting---------------------------------------------- End of User Variables -----------------------------------------------------
I've tweaked the settings and it seems to have now worked.
The Tapo C200's lowest resolution is 640x360 as its a 1080p camera.
Having to reopen my issue, as after a few hours of working the app crashes after not getting any response for 60 seconds. I've confirmed the camera is working on not only the TPLink app, but also the cctv software I use (AgentDVR). I even tried using the feed from agentdvr into the speed camera, but the speed camera crashed after a few hours of use with the same error.
Today I tried to use a usb webcam (c270) but when I run the software the webcam blinks on then off.
Not sure what is happening. I did upgrade the software. I've even tried on Ubuntu to see if that made any difference, but its the same issue.
The error message is:
2023-09-13 20:15:12 ERROR speed_get_contours image Stream Image is Not Complete. Cannot Crop. Retry.
after 60 times then crashes