
Basic C lexical analyser

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


What is this?

Basic lexical analyser for C99 code.

How do I use it?

from clexer import C99Lexer

lexer = C99Lexer()
print lexer.tokenize("static unsigned int foo = bar++;")

You should get your tokens in a list of the following format:

[('KW_STATIC', 'static'), ('KW_UNSIGNED', 'unsigned'), ('KW_INT', 'int'), ('IDENTIFIER', 'foo'), ('OP_ASSIGN', '='), ('IDENTIFIER', 'bar'), ('OP_INC', '++'), ('SYM_SEMICOLON', ';')]

Language symbols are prefixed with SYM_, operators are prefixed with OP_, keywords are prefixed with KW_. Keep in mind that context-dependent tokens (&, *, +, -) are prefixed with SYM_.

If you want the whitespace characters preserved in your tokens list, set keep_whitespaces in the object constructor:

lexer = C99Lexer(keep_whitespaces=True)