Don't be a floater

  • Introduce yourself to 1–2 people next to you.

  • Then using floats.html and floats.css as a starting point, work together to create the missing CSS necessary to form the layout shown to you on screen.

  • This will not be easy so work at it as best you can. This is a challenging activity. At the very least, try to increase your understanding of CSS properties.

  • Hint: Concentrate on first figuring out how to create the boxes. Think about using background colors (CSS property: background).

  • Hint: We've provided the styling you need for the header element. Use this as a starting point to style the others.

  • Hint: You will need to apply each of the following CSS properties at least once:

    • padding

    • margin

    • background

    • float

    • width (read up on width by percents)

    • color

    • clear

    • overflow

    • height

    • font-size

    • line-height

  • If you finish early Slack the TAs or raise your hand to call their attention. TAs will reassign you to help others in the class.