
The school project I've enjoyed the most thus far

Primary LanguageJavaScript


Quite a mouthful!

First things first, I'm sure you're wondering where name came from.
Well this originally started as a group project I had in my Microprocessors class. It was a really great team effort that I massively enjoyed as you could probably already tell from the project's GitHub desription. Long story short, the name of the processor design and architecture is meant to encapsulate the initials of me and my teammates.

Here's us

2b - Benecentia Marfo-Kwofie and Brandon Idun-Tawiah
k - Kwesi Asiedu Sarpong
m - Michael Acquah
p - Paul Amoah (that's me!)
e - Emmanuel Kyeremeh
2r - Richard Ampofo and Kusi Rina Gyan

In summary, we designed a microprocessor based on the MIPS architecture, wrote a report on it, and simulated it with Logisim. Fast forward a few days after our project submission, I wrote an assembler to compile our 2bkmpe2r assembly language to its corresponding machine code for the microarchitecture we designed.

...And that's basically what this repo is about.

Over time, I hope to make changes to this architecture (probably in another branch of the repo) to address its current limitations, the most prominent one being the inability to dynamically access memory using 2bkmpe2r assembly, and document the details more clearly in a way that makes the repo more useful and eaiser to use and understand for anyone interested. For now, you'll have to make due with what's availabe. Feel free to take whatever you need.