
 iOS app for walking, meeting people & sightseeing

Primary LanguageSwift

App's description

This app makes walking more fun and allows to meet new people and explore new places 🚀

  • Users can upload photos of places and see photos uploaded by others
  • Locations of the photos can be seen on a map
  • Users can discover other people's profiles by viewing the photos
  • Points are awarded by walking to a photo's location and collecting it
  • Users can add others to friends to have a chat or compete in challenges
  • Achievements can be gained for collecting photos and winning challenges
  • App recommends interesting places to visit nearby

Tools used

  • Swift & UIKit
  • Sign in with Apple
  • CloudKit database
  • StreamChat API
  • OpenAI API
  • CoreLocation
  • MapKit
  • AVFoundation
