
▶️ Get Data From YouTube/Trending

Primary LanguageJavaScript

GET data from youtube/trending


YouTube updates their list of trending videos every 15 minutes. And with each update, videos could remain in the same position or move up and down the trending list. Data is made available at getyoutubetrending.netlify.app/. This link returns a list of all (100~ ... YouTube fluctuates) trending youtube videos, and meta data including the time passed since each was uploaded, their current view count, title, author, etc.

Although rankings change every 15 minutes, views, for example, update every few minutes. When this happens, the list will also update to reflect.

🤔 🧠
How does it work? The data is procured through web scraping. One request is made to retrieve the HTML body of youtube.com/trending, and each data point (title, author, view count) is parsed individually, allowing logic to be improved in isolation, and for each data point to be tested individually.
What's available? Currently, there is only one list that serves data from all of youtube.com/trending's youtube videos. Plans to curate other lists (categories, tracking metrics, rate of change etc.) TBD.
How do I get it? Download as CSV here. You can also open this link in your web browser, or (GET) it using the HTTP client of your choosing. The response will already be in the form of JSON, and not a JSON string. So there's no need to parse the response. (See code examples)

Code Examples


const axios = require('axios')

  .catch(error => console.log(error));

node-fetch (v2)

npm install node-fetch@2
const fetch = require('node-fetch')

  .then(res => res.json())
  .then(data => data)
  .catch(error => console.log(error));