
Twitter CORS proxy server

Primary LanguageCoffeeScript


This is a Twitter CORS proxy server. It is ready to be deployed in Heroku.

It currently does not handle streaming APIs.


  • Authenticate with Twitter
  • Relay Twitter API appending CORS
  • Issue a token for Firebase


npm install
# edit config properly
vim ./src/config.coffee
cake build
git commit -a

# deploy on heroku
heroku create
heroku addons:add redistogo:nano
heroku config:set URL=http://your-server-name.herokuapp.com
git push heroku master

How to use

Before calling Twitter APIs, It is necessary to authenticate clients via Corsèt. the url for authentication is "/auth".

After the authentication, clients can call APIs. Corsèt stores client secrets and access tokens on server-side not on client-side. Each client has session between Corsèt to be identified. Therefore XHR calling APIs must set .withCredentials = true. Now, you can call APIs by replacing "https://api.twitter.com" with "http://your-server-name.herokuapp.com/api".

As an option, It can provide Firebase custom auth token via "/auth/firebase".