Hub SPID Login MicroService

This is a Microservice that is responsible to provide a single entry point for SPID authentication.


Configure environment variables
  • Copy .env.example into .env
  • Execute scripts/
  • Fill environment variables with your own configuration
  • Fill METADATA_PUBLIC_CERT with content of certs/cert.pem (generated by
  • Fill METADATA_PRIVATE_CERT with content of certs/key.pem (generated by
  • Take care and set the same value for SP SERVER_PORT and the metadata endpoint port registered in spid-testenv2 config yaml
  • add a row to hosts file spid-testenv2
  • build the project by running yarn build
  • Run docker compose --env-file .env up --build or yarn docker:start
  • Call Endpoint to refresh IDP metadata e.g. curl -L -X GET 'http://localhost:9090/refresh'
Additional configurations for local execution
  • Add a row to hosts file spid-testenv2
  • Once the app is running, call Endpoint to refresh IDP metadata e.g. curl -L -X GET 'http://localhost:9090/refresh'

Run as a Node.js application

Configure environment as described above, then:

yarn install --frozen-lockfile
yarn build
yarn start

Run as a Docker container

Configure environment as described above, then:

docker run --env-file .env

Run with docker-compose for local development

Configure environment as described above, then:

docker compose --env-file .env up --build

JWT Support

  • Change ENABLE_JWT=true in .env file
  • run scripts/
  • copy jwt-private-key.pem into JWT_TOKEN_PRIVATE_KEY as single line \n

CIE Support

NOTE: In the prod environment an internal component is used to keep historical track of the metadata file, that's why a * is not mentioned there.

Assertion logging

It is possible to log SAML requests and responses for each successful login. Assertions are encrypted and stored in an external storage. This can be enabled by using the following environment configuration:

name description values required
ENABLE_SPID_ACCESS_LOGS Whether log or not SAML assertions true or false yes
SPID_LOGS_ENABLE_PAYLOAD_ENCRYPTION Whether to encrypt the payload before storing it or not true or false no, default true
SPID_LOGS_PUBLIC_KEY Key used to encypt SAML assertions payload string yes if ENABLE_SPID_ACCESS_LOGS=true and SPID_LOGS_ENABLE_PAYLOAD_ENCRYPTION=true
SPID_LOGS_STORAGE_KIND The kind of storage to be used. Default: azurestorage for backward compatibility See config.ts for all supported storages yes if ENABLE_SPID_ACCESS_LOGS=true
SPID_LOGS_STORAGE_CONTAINER_NAME Name of the container to store files into string yes if ENABLE_SPID_ACCESS_LOGS=true

Storage-specific configurations

Although configurations have been designed to be generic, each storage keeps its specificity

Specific configuration for azurestorage

name description values required
SPID_LOGS_STORAGE_CONNECTION_STRING Connection string for the external storage string yes

Specific configuration for awss3

We use AWS SDK defaults for connecting to the storage. Please refer to the original docs. In addition, the following environment variables will be used:

name description values required
SPID_LOGS_STORAGE_ENDPOINT Optional endpoint for target S3 service. Meant to be used in testing environments. If empty, AWS's default will be used. We must provide a fully qualified ENDPOINT with URL, PROTOCOL, HOSTNAME string yes
SPID_LOGS_STORAGE_CONTAINER_REGION Optional region for target S3 service. yes
SPID_LOGS_STORAGE_CONNECTION_TIMEOUT Optional timeout value for connecting to the storage, in milliseconds. Default: 60000 no

Project specific configuration

name description values required
JWT_TOKEN_JTI_SPID Optional parameter that allow JWT jti reflect the spidRequestId. Default: false boolean no


This microservice is intended for usage through an API Gateway (API Management on Azure environment). It's necessary to enable:

  • JWT Signature verification
  • Additional header extraction throughout the backend services' authorization layer


  • /metadata: Expose SP metadata
  • /login: Trigger a SPID login by creating an authNRequest
  • /logout: Trigger logout from SPID (Not used)
  • /acs: Assertion Consumer service endpoint
  • /refresh: Trigger IDP metadata refresh
  • /invalidate: Invalidates a previous released token
  • /introspect: Introspect token by giving information (optional) about logged Spid User
  • /success: Trigger Final redirect to success endpoint after a successful SPID login
  • /error: Trigger Redirect to an error page


Unit tests


yarn test

End-to-end tests

Tests were executed using browser automation to simulate actual user interactions. See e2e/ for more.


A new version can be released using the relative job on the deploy pipeline. For each new release, a Docker image is built and published to the public registry.