
A set of functions that propagate IO core domain events to IO-powered projects

Primary LanguageTypeScript

Public Event Dispatcher

A set of Azure Functions to dispatch IO core domain events to IO-powered project that may need a specific integration. Such projects should expose a webhook url to which this applicative can perform a http request.

This application's responsibilities are:

  • to gather all IO core domain events
  • to hold a set of webhook from integrated projects, along with their configuration
  • to maintain a documented list of Public Events to be dispatched to webhooks, and to internally map IO core domain events with such Public Events


Incoming events are processed and propagated only when and to whom need to be notified. This application introduces two kind of events:

  • PublicEvents are events emitted by IO that are interesting for downstream subscribers, thus can be propagated;
  • NonPublicEvents are events emitted by IO that are NOT interesting for downstream subscriber, thus need to be re-mapped into PublicEvents

Events flow edit

Public Events

List of all Public Events emitted to registered webhooks

Event Payload Description Required attributes
ping name: the name of the webhook to be pinged Just a ping on a registered webhook, used for testing the system. This event is used mainly for testing purposes. name
service:subscribed serviceId, fiscalCode Emitted when a Citizen subscribes to a Service serviceId

NonPublic Events

List of all Non-Public Events received by the application. These are the events that are accepted by the dispatcher, but will be then re-mapped into public events.

Event Payload Description Required attributes
ping:all - Just a ping on ALL registered webhooks, used for testing the system. This event is used mainly for testing purposes. -
profile:completed fiscalCode, servicePreferencesMode When a Citizen completes their onboarding process on IO. This may emit service:subscribed for every registered downstream services -
profile:service-preferences-changed fiscalCode, servicePreferencesMode, oldServicePreferencesMode When a Citizen changes how they want to handle Service subscriptions. This may emit service:subscribed for every registered downstream services -


Integration tests are defined into __integrations__ folder. Tests are performed in a containerized, isolated context so that are reproducible at any time and in every environment. A test agent is used to act as both event producer and webhook consumer, so that it can verify the correct executions of workflows. The following is a simple schema that gives the idea:

Events flow edit

Run tests

# an already-built application is supposed
yarn install --frozen-lockfile
yarn build

cd __integrations__

# start the containerized environment
docker-compose up

# execute tests
yarn install --frozen-lockfile
docker exec integrations___testagent_1 yarn start
#           ^^^ FIXME: reference container using a less arbitrary name