
pagoPA - ecommerce microservice to retrieve payment request data or manage carts (a set of payment requests) with redirects to pagoPa - checkout.

Primary LanguageKotlin


What is this?

pagoPA - eCommerce microservice to retrieve payment requests data or manage carts (a set of payment requests) with redirects to pagoPA – Checkout.

Environment variables

Variable name Description type default
CHECKOUT_URL Redirection URL for Checkout carts url (string)
REDIS_HOST Host where the redis instance used to persist idempotency keys can be found string
REDIS_PASSWORD Password used for connecting to Redis instance string
REDIS_PORT Port used for connecting to Redis instance number
REDIS_SSL_ENABLED Whether SSL is enabled when connecting to Redis boolean
NODO_HOSTNAME Nodo connection host name string
NODO_PER_PSP_URI Nodo per PSP URI string
NODE_FOR_PSP_URI Nodo for PSP URI string
NODO_READ_TIMEOUT Http read timeout for all call made to Nodo number
NODO_CONNECTION_TIMEOUT Http connection timeout for all call made to Nodo number
NODO_CONNECTION_STRING Connection string containing information used to make Nodo calls json (string)
CARTS_MAX_ALLOWED_PAYMENT_NOTICES Max allowed number of payment notices to be processed for a POST carts request number
PERSONAL_DATA_VAULT_API_KEY API Key for Personal Data Vault (PDV is used to safely encrypt PIIs, e.g. the user's email address) string
PERSONAL_DATA_VAULT_API_BASE_PATH API base path for Personal Data Vault string

An example configuration of these environment variables is in the .env.example file.

Run the application with Docker

Create your environment typing :

cp .env.example .env

Then from current project directory run :

docker-compose up

## Run the application with `springboot-plugin`

Setup your environment typing :

$ cp .env.example .env
$ export $(grep -v '^#' .env | xargs)

Then from the root project directory run :

$ mvn spring-boot:run

Code formatting

Code formatting checks are automatically performed during build phase. If the code is not well formatted an error is raised blocking the maven build.

Helpful commands:

mvn spotless:check # --> used to perform format checks
mvn spotless:apply # --> used to format all misformatted files


Repo has Github workflow and actions that trigger Azure devops deploy pipeline once a PR is merged on main branch.

In order to properly set version bump parameters for call Azure devops deploy pipelines will be check for the following tags presence during PR analysis:

Tag Semantic versioning scope Meaning
patch Application version Patch-bump application version into pom.xml and Chart app version
minor Application version Minor-bump application version into pom.xml and Chart app version
major Application version Major-bump application version into pom.xml and Chart app version
ignore-for-release Application version Ignore application version bump
chart-patch Chart version Patch-bump Chart version
chart-minor Chart version Minor-bump Chart version
chart-major Chart version Major-bump Chart version
skip-release Any The release will be skipped altogether

For the check to be successfully passed only one of the Application version labels and only ones of the Chart version labels must be contemporary present for a given PR or the skip-release for skipping release step