

Primary LanguageRuby


Deploy ec2 instances interacting with AWS API, Chef. Each node will be deployed in a different us-east availability zone (currently there are 5).

The script generates user-data for the ec2 instance with witch we accomplish the following: Install and configure chef-client using Opscode public repo. Generate chef json attributes file fro the first run. Get validation key. Initiate first chef-run registering the node with the Chef platform. it also does some minor things like dropping additinal keys, setting hostname and installing some pkgs and more.


Few requirements:

  1. AWS credentials should be set as Environment variables: "AWSAccessKeyId" and "AWSSecretKey" https://console.aws.amazon.com/ec2
  2. Chef knife have to be installed and configured; http://wiki.opscode.com/display/chef/Workstation+Setup+for+Mac+OS+X
  3. fog gem http://fog.io

Then do:

Modify "metadata/myfile.json" to you meet your needs and run:

./aws_deploy.rb myfile.json

Example is in metadata/data.json

Few things that you might want to change:

  • "number" - # of nodes to bootstrap;
  • "base_hostname" - hostname and chef node name;
  • "ec2-type" - AWS instance type; "run_list" - chef run list.

http://cloud.ubuntu.com/ami/ some AMIs: us-east-1 precise amd64 ebs 20120424 ami-a29943cb us-west-1 precise amd64 ebs 20120424 ami-87712ac2 us-west-2 precise amd64 ebs 20120424 ami-20800c10


  • DNS records added for new nodes
  • Add ability to place nodes behind an ELB
  • Options for storage
  • Write something to remove nodes from chef/ec2/dns/ELB.
  • Get uniq instance # based on search from chef
  • Check if AWS has an instance with the same Name tag
  • Make some sort of report, email, send msg to jabber etc.
  • Use spice lib to interact with chef API