Golang utility for proving and finalizing ETH withdrawals from op-stack chains.
go install github.com/base-org/withdrawer@latest
Initiate a withdrawal on L2 by sending ETH to the L2StandardBridge
contract at 0x4200000000000000000000000000000000000010
, and note the tx hash.
Example on Base Goerli: 0xc4055dcb2e4647c37166caba8c7392625c2b62f9117a8bc4d96270da24b38f13.
Note: do not send ERC-20 or other tokens to this address, only native ETH is supported.
Prove your withdrawal:
withdrawer --network base-mainnet --withdrawal <withdrawal tx hash> --rpc <L1 RPC URL> --private-key <L1 private key>
or use a ledger:
withdrawer --network base-mainnet --withdrawal <withdrawal tx hash> --rpc <L1 RPC URL> --ledger
Example output:
Proved withdrawal for 0xc4055dcb2e4647c37166caba8c7392625c2b62f9117a8bc4d96270da24b38f13: 0x6b6d1cc45b6601a30646847f638847feb629221ee71bbe6a3de7e6d0fbfe8fad
waiting for tx confirmation
0x6b6d1cc45b6601a30646847f638847feb629221ee71bbe6a3de7e6d0fbfe8fad confirmed
After the finalization period, finalize your withdrawal (same command as above):
withdrawer --network base-mainnet --withdrawal <withdrawal tx hash> --rpc <L1 RPC URL> --private-key <L1 private key>
Example output:
Completed withdrawal for 0xc4055dcb2e4647c37166caba8c7392625c2b62f9117a8bc4d96270da24b38f13: 0x1c457f1992f48f1f959ceaee5b3c7e699a26f6f05d93997d49dafe703fd66dea
waiting for tx confirmation
0x1c457f1992f48f1f959ceaee5b3c7e699a26f6f05d93997d49dafe703fd66dea confirmed
Usage of withdrawer:
-rpc string
Ethereum L1 RPC url
-network string
op-stack network to withdraw.go from (one of: base-mainnet, base-goerli, op-mainnet, op-goerli) (default "base-mainnet")
-withdrawal string
TX hash of the L2 withdrawal transaction
-private-key string
Private key to use for signing transactions
-mnemonic string
Mnemonic to use for signing transactions
Use ledger device for signing transactions
-hd-path string
Hierarchical deterministic derivation path for mnemonic or ledger (default "m/44'/60'/0'/0/0")
-l2-rpc string
Custom network L2 RPC url
-l2oo-address string
Custom network L2OutputOracle address
-portal-address string
Custom network OptimismPortal address