
Template repo with common GH related files

MIT LicenseMIT


Made for GitHub Built with Love Project License Code of Conduct Contributions welcome GitHub forks GitHub release (latest by date)

Just another generic GitHub repository template for all 😄


In June of 2019 GitHub announced repository templates, which allow for people/organizations to use template repositories as a boilerplate to quickly generate new GitHub repositories. I wanted to put together a (mostly) language agnostic repository template for my own projects, and hope that others may benefit from this work.


This repository template includes;


The steps to use this template repository in your own projects are;

  1. Create a new repository using this template
  2. Rename this README.md file to something else, such as TEMPLATE_README.md
  3. Rename the provided BOILERPLATE_README.md to README.md
  4. Replace instances of YOUR_* in your new README.md to customize the shields, social links, etc to yourself and your project
    1. YOUR_NAME - Your name (ie, John Doe)
    2. YOUR_GITHUB_NAME - Your GitHub user name (ie, github.com/<user_name>)
    3. YOUR_GITHUB_REPO - Your GitHub repository name (ie, github.com/<user_name>/<repository_name>)
    4. YOUR_TWITTER_NAME - Your Twitter user name (ie, twitter.com/<your_name>)
    5. YOUR_PATREON_NAME - Your Patreon name (ie, patreon.com/<your_name>)
    6. YOUR_DISCORD_SERVER_ID - Your Discord server id (follow the steps in this video to set up widget permissions on your server and get your server id)
    7. YOUR_DISCORD_INVITE_LINK - Invite link to your Discord server steps here
  5. Customize the rest of the repository to your hearts content
  6. Start creating!


All releases can be found on the Releases page for this project.


Contributions are vital to the health and longevity of open source projects, and they are always welcome here! Please check out the Contributing guide as well as the setup guide to get started.


Feel free to join our community!

Follow me on Twitter Join us on Discord


Thanks goes to these wonderful people (emoji key):

Rob Davis

📖 💻

This project follows the all-contributors specification. Contributions of any kind welcome!


This project is provided under the MIT License © 2020 Rob Davis.