
Store and send crash reports directly to the devlopers

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


CrashReporter creates reports from the traceback if your python code crashes. The reports can be uploaded directly to the developers via email or FTP. If no internet connection is available, crash reporter stores offline reports and later sends them when possible.


Features of crashreporter include:

- Uploading of crash reports via email or FTP.
- Offline crash reporting that stores crash reports until they are uploaded.
- Traceback and local variable output


To install:

pip install crashreporter


Implementing the crash reporter is easy. Just create a CrashReporter object. Configure the SMTP or FTP accounts for uploading of reports (optional) and you are good to go!

In the following example, we wil create a Person class that has an optional age attribute. We will then create two Person objects, one with an age and one without. When we attempt to combine their ages we get the following error:

TypeError: unsupported operand type(s) for +: 'int' and 'NoneType'


    from crashreporter import CrashReporter
    class Person(object):
        def __init__(self, name, age=None):
            self.name = name
            self.age = age
    def combine_ages(person_a, person_b):
        a_local_variable = 134
        return person_a.age + person_b.age
    if __name__ == '__main__':
        # The crash reporter will automatically start working once
        # the instance is created. You can stop it from starting
        # on creation by setting the activate argument
        # to False (default is True).
        cr = CrashReporter(report_dir='/home/calvin/crashreporter',
        # Additional (optional) information for the report 
        cr.application_name = 'My App'
        cr.application_version = '1.1.350'
        # Configure the crash reporter to email myaddress@gmail.com 
        # whenever a crash is detected.
        # OPTIONAL: Specify From header with kwarg from=
        # if your SMTP auth username is not the From address.
        # Configure the crash reporter to upload crash reports 
        # to ftp.example.com whenever a crash is detected
        # Rest of the script begins here. Any crashes from this point on are reported.
        calvin = Person('calvin', age=25)
        bob = Person('bob')
        combine_ages(calvin, bob)   # This will raise an error

When the crash occurs, the crash reporter will attempt to send it by email or upload it to the FTP server, if both methods fail, the crash is written to file in report_dir. The next time the script is run, the crash reporter will look for any offline reports and attempt to send them every check_interval seconds. After a sucessful upload, the stored reports are deleted.

Configuration File

If you don't want to keep your SMTP and FTP credentials in your scripts you can alternatively use a configuration file. Simple pass the path to the configuration file as the config argument in CrashReporter or call the load_configuration(path) method with the path. The format of the configuration file should have two sections, SMTP and FTP. Under each section are parameters that are passed to the setup_smtp and setup_ftp functions:


user = mycrashreporter@gmail.com
passwd = mypasswordissupersecret
recipients = developer1@gmail.com, developer2@gmail.com
host = smtp.gmail.com
port = 587

user = user
passwd = 12345
host = ftp.example.com
path = ./myapp/crashreports
port = 2456


The CrashReporter has several attributes that can be changed:

        The maximum number of offline reports to save before overwriting 
        the oldest report.
        Application version as a string to be included in the report.
        Application name as a string to be included in the report.
        The number of source code lines to include before and after the error 
        as a tuple (before, after) 

Example Report

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