
Simple web app for goal tracking

Primary LanguagePython


A goal tracking app that allows users to view, save, and edit goals.


Tech Stack

Python, PostgreSQL, SQLAlchemy, Flask, JavaScript, JQuery, Jinja, CSS

Getting Started

These instructions will get you a copy of the project up and running on your local machine with a sample database.



Install dependencies

$ pip3 install -r requirements.txt

Run locally

1. Create postgres database. $ createdb goal_tracker

2. (optional) Seed database with sample data.

$ python3 seed.py

3. Create sercrets.sh file in root directory.

4. Add export flask_session_key="<some secret key>" to secrets.sh Note: this is required to run the Flask server.

5. Connect secrets.sh.

$ source secrets.sh

6. Run server.

$ python3 server.py

Note on security

User passwords are hashed prior to saving in the database utilizing werkzeug security in order to make sure no raw passwords are ever stored.

The app uses POST requests to send user input data to the backend - onces deployed on https this will ensure privacy of personal data.