
Primary LanguageJavaScript

Pig Dice

Week 4 2 Day Project at Epicodus, 10.27.2018

  • HTML Form and CSS to gather user information.
  • Manipulate user input using DOM and JQuery for front end logic
  • Use JavaScript Loops, Arrays, Object Constructors and Prototypes to create business logic

Created By

  • Paige Williams and Tanvi Garg


  • Accepts a number type user input and returns all number from 0 - usernumber with certain numbers containing 0,1 or divisible by 3 replaced with predefined strings for each condition.
  • Conditions are in the order of least to most importance.


  • _Player 1 rolls a dice (random number generator) and returns a random number between 1-6. Example input: Player 1 rolls Dice Example output: Player 1 has result of (random number). *_Player 1 can roll dice again and total of all dice rolls is calculated. Example input: Player 1 rolls dice. Example output: Player 1 has result of total score. *_If dice roll has a result of 1, then player 1 does not has the opportunity to roll again. Example input: Player 1 rolls dice and returns 1. Example output: Player 1 can not roll again. *_Player 2 starts thier turn and is able to roll the dice. Example input: Player 2 rolls Dice Example output: Player 2 has result of (random number). *_Player 1 can roll dice again and total of all dice rolls is calculated. Example input: Player 2 rolls dice. Example output: Player 2 has result of total score. *_Current player can call "hold", and thier total is added to their score and it becomes the other players turn. Example input: Player 2 calls hold. Example output: Player 2's score is calculated and it becomes player 1's turn. *First player with a score of 100 wins the game and the game is completed. Example input: Player X has a score of 100 Example output: Player X wins and game is over.

Complete setup/installation instructions

  1. Go to GitHub profile and project @ paigewilliams and TanviCodeLife
  2. Use #git clone command to pull it to a local repository in your Home directory.
  3. Go to project folder beep-boop and open the index.html file in your browser.
  4. Input any number and click submit
  5. Beep Boop Output will be displayed

Technologies used

  1. Bootstrap and custom CSS
  2. JQuery and JavaScript
  3. HTML5
  4. Atom
  5. Command Line
  6. GitHub

Known Bugs

No known bugs.

Contact information



  • For issues, please contact authors at the provided contact information above.

MIT License

Copyright (c) 2018 Tanvi Garg