
Boilerplate for three.js with webpack and es6

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT

Three.js Webpack ES6 boilerplate



First stab at a lean-ish "let's write three.js code like it's 2017" boilerplate. Doesn't care what you do with three.js, just allows you to import it and write es6. What it should solve in the first pass:

  • run through Webpack
  • provide ES6 via Babel
  • lint
  • import GLSL (write a .glsl|.vert|.vs|.frag|.fs file and import it into your javascript)
  • transform require('./myTexture.png') or require('assets/textures/myCommonTex.png') into something like /assets/myTexture-2c3ad56f81.png
  • sass should work


Clone the repo: git clone https://github.com/pailhead/three-webpack-es6.git Run: npm install or yarn


yarn dev should spin up a Koa server with webpack middleware. HMR doesn't do much for three here, but could refresh GLSL. The page should refresh when changing any .js files. Go to http://localhost:3344 to see results.


There is a script in package.json called build. It will run webpack with production flag and save the output in /build. You can run it with yarn build. yarn start will spin up a Koa server with the bundled files.


  • don't like what HTMLWebpackPlugin does with lodash, needs investigation
  • hot updating GLSL would be great
  • instructions on how to setup sublime to lint the files
  • some example three.js code
  • use only needed three components rather than the whole library
  • more