
React Js Front End of Google Vision Final Project

Primary LanguageJavaScript


This is the React JS Frontend of the Social Media Image analysis project. This makes requests to the Vision-API.

Project Background : Social Media Image Analysis

The purpose of this project was to create a tool that could quickly analyze images of a public social media account. Since looking through hundreds of images is time consuming and subjective to opinions, each of the images from a social media account were processed with Google Cloud's Vision API. From the responses, labels are accumulated, filtered, and tracked to build textual data that can represent a person's interests, activities, or hobbies. Individuals' online personas can also be compared to determine if people share common interests. This project idea can be used in many different applications: suggestion algorithms for friends or pages, dating app matching, job recruiting, and even social media marketing analysis.


  yarn start



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This is the Home Screen where you can pick which social media to retrieve images for. You can also navigate to the Compare and Analytics Components.


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Here you can see the Vision API labels of a specific user and a specific platform. The bar chart is interactive and is implemented with a React variant of Chart JS.


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Here you can compare two different usernames. The username url parameters query MongoDB and show labels in common and their respective counts.


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This is where you can see how many unique users, labels, and images that are stored in MongoDB.


Components are a little messy right now. Will clean up eventually.