
Inline Telegram bot (client API) for fetching illustrations from Pixiv

Primary LanguagePythonThe UnlicenseUnlicense


A simple Telegram bot which mainly provides inline mode, fetching illustrations from Pixiv

You can view my instance of it at @InlinePixivBot

Quick start: Docker install/run

  1. download example-config.ini into a memorable location (perhaps ~/.config/inline-pixiv-bot?) and edit it as per the installation section.
  2. Fire up docker! It will use the config file from the previous step.
docker run -d --name inline-pixiv-bot \
    -v ~/.config/inline-pixiv-bot/config.ini:/usr/src/app/config.ini \
    -v ~/.config/inline-pixiv-bot/bot.session:/usr/src/app/bot.session \

The second -v line is optional and is only for re-using a session file (it must exist).
Note that if you are running this on a PC/laptop, you will likely need to configure file sharing for the config file.
As a docker-only feature, docker logs inline-pixiv-bot works.


  • Python 3.5 or higher

The following can be automatically installed using requirements.txt (refer to next section)


These steps are intended for unix-like systems but are easily translated for others

  1. git clone https://github.com/Kyle2142/inline-pixiv-bot
  2. cd inline-pixiv-bot
  3. Optional: set up a virtualenv
    1. virtualenv -p /usr/bin/python3 .
    2. source ./bin/activate
  4. pip3 install -r requirements.txt
  5. Copy and edit config.
    1. cp example-config.ini config.ini
    2. nano config.ini (use your preferred editor)


Simply python3 inlinepixivbot.py

You can use a program like tmux or screen to keep this as a background service. Alternatively, here is a sample systemd service file:

Description=Inline telegram bot for pixiv

#note that the below assumes you have a venv as per step 3 above
ExecStart=/path/to/inlinepixivbot/folder/bin/python inlinepixivbot.py


You can install this by

sudo systemctl edit --force -l inlinepixivbot
sudo systemctl enable inlinepixivbot  # if you want the bot started on reboot
sudo systemctl start inlinepixivbot

Logs are stored in logs/bot.log and will automatically rotate up to a maximum of 5 5MB files