Talent Hacked is a final project undertaken during the last two weeks of Makers Academy's 12 week developer programme.
Members in the final project team (specified below) have each contributed to bring this application to life.
Talent Hacked is a business venture aimed to lean into the incredible talent emerging from academies like Makers along with the growing demand for developers within the city of London.
The aim of the Talent-Hacked, and therefore this application, is to act as a project management business, connecting developers that have the right skills to clients with project demands.
The application allows developers and businesses/clients to resigter online
Developers are able to:
- Update their professional profile and contact details manually
- Alternatively they can choose to sign-in with and import their LinkedIn profile
- Manage their work through a customized dashboard consisting of offers, current, declined and finished projects
- Receive incoming offers, allowing for specified project quotes and accept or reject capabilities
Clients are able to:
- Update their business profile
- Create new development projects
- Send offers to developers
The application macthes the most appropriate developers based on their skill set with a client's unique demands.
Ruby (version 2.1.1) Rails Postgresql Capybara Rspec Devise Paperclip Stripe payment system Poltergeist Amazon Web Services S3 Bootstrap Google Maps API Heroku Websockets Javascript
devise omniauth-linkedin-oauth2 bootstrap-sass font-awesome-rails gritter paperclip rmagick aws-sdk thin activeadmin polyamorous ransack formtastic rspec-rails capybara rspec-collection_matchers database_cleaner poltergeist byebug launchy
- git clone https://github.com/JoshFB/Talent_Hacked_Code
- cd Talent_Hacked_Code
- bundle install
- bin/rake db:create
- bin/rake db:migrate
- bin/rake db:migrate RAILS_ENV=test
- thin start
- cd Talent_Hacked_Code
- rspec