Battleships Description
Two player game
Each player has two 10x10 grids: tracking-grid and home-grid.
1 ship x length 2 units
2 ships x length 3 units
1 ship x length 4 units
1 ship x length 5 units
Each player places 10 ships, of various length, on their home grid.
The tracking grid is used for recording the shots you've taken.
Can't hit same spot more than once
Ships can't touch
The game begins with calling out a target cell of the opponent's grid.
If hit, you get to go again
the board declares if ship is hit, missed, or sunk. -->
A miss is marked with a 0 on the tracking grid. A hit is marked with a 1 on the tracking grid.
If a ship is hit in all its cells, it is sunk.
You cannot cheat.
First player to sink opponent's fleet wins. Game finishes.
Ship pseudo-code
locations { A1: :ship, A2: :ship, A3: :hit}
hit locations.each {|location, status| status = :hit if location.targeted?}