This was my first attempt at creating a rails app during week 8 of the Intensive Web Development Course at Makers Academy. A live version of this is available on Heroku.
##What does it do? This is a restaurant reviewing app.
##What can you do?
Non-registered users
- View Restaurants
- View Reviews
Registered Users
- Same as above
- Create Restaurants
- Edit Their own Restaurants
- Delete Their own Restaurants
- Write a review
##Technologies Used?
- Ruby
- Ruby on Rails
- PostgreSQL (ActiveRecord)
- Capybara
- RSpec
- Devise
- JQuery
- Ajax
- JSON and Jbuilder
- Pure CSS
###How to test the application via RSPEC:
- From command line enter:
git clone
cd yelp
##What I would like to add?
- User Accountability for Reviews
- Limit to 1 Review per User per Restaurant
- Websockets