A tool to convert from .dc6 (D2 images) to upsampled .png images
python https://www.python.org/ftp/python/3.9.5/python-3.9.5-amd64.exe (check the 'add to path' box when installing)
dc6con.exe from the phrozen keep http://phrozenkeep.blob.core.windows.net/public/files/tools/image/dc6con.zip. dc6con is included in this github repo
imagemagick for windows (linux, mac works too) 7.1.0 from here or the newest release here (check the 'convert legacy' feature box when installing)
Download the files from this repository and unzip
Open a terminal (shift + right click in your folder and select 'Open Powershell window here') then run python dc6_png_enhance.py
python dc6_png_enhance.py
takes *.dc6
files in ./dc6/
and makes 4x ai upsampled pngs in ./png-hd/
(If there is an error about the python requests package, then in a CMD/powershell window do pip install requests
Up sampling / super resolution is done with https://deepai.org/ 's API
The output upsampled .png
feeds right into SpriteEdit and when converted to a .sprite
can go into the D2R data folder data/hd/global/ui/items, panels, etc
uses a trial API key from https://deepai.org.
If you need to convert more than 10 dc6 images then sign up to get an API key for free with https://deepai.org/.
Then enter your API key on line 15 of dc6_png_enhance.py after "api-key":"
Image upsampling can be done with shaders from libretro, and other upsampling algorithms
for example https://docs.libretro.com/shader/scalefx/ ,and xbrz is popular https://docs.libretro.com/shader/xbrz/
Jewel: LoD, LoD enhanced, and D2R
Kinemil's Awl sword: LoD, LoD enhanced, and D2R