Hydrogen is a programming language designed for the versatility and ease that can offer static data types and a new concept called BLOCKS.
Interprete not compiled
Beta 0.0.1
Hydrogen is still under development, it is just in its early stages, it is almost useless.
Now available for windows and linux arch amd64
- Install the executable file
- Create a file with extension
- Write code
- Run executable file and type the enxt command:
run ${filepath}
run C:/Users/main.hg
: Example: 234
: Example: true; false
: example: "sdffsdsfd"
Variables are declared with the reserved word dec
followed by the name and then the type of the variable, then the assignment operator->
followed by the value of the variable.
dec number int -> 345;
// OUTPUT: 345
The if's are the normal ones in every programming language. Example:
if(3 < 5){
return 34
return 10
The functions in an initial state, they need to mature enough, they are not yet able to check the return type, the syntax of a function is the following:
fn callPrint(x int) <- int {
return x + 23
// OUTPUT: 234
As I said, the functions are not yet able to evaluate the return value, you can even insert a string in the parameter, it does not verify the type aprameter either.
4 + 2
2 / 2 + 4
8 + 4 + 2
Functions now strongly support return values and parameter types. Example:
fn Hi(hi string) <- string {
return hi
println(Hi("Hello World"))
// OUTPUT: Hello World
- Experimental
The stop keyword is used to tell the program not to continue its execution. Example:
if(3 < 7) {
STOP; ## comment: Hey stop here, don't run the program or block any more
The STOP keyword is still in the experimental phase, you have to be careful with this because it is a bad step and unfortunately our program may stop working.
- Experimental
The blocks execute a functionality that is given, the blocks do not take parameters or return values so they are lighter. Example:
Block printHelloWorld{
println("Hello World")
A block is called with the name of the block
and the ?
sign in front with this block call everything in your body is going to run as many times as you call it, but remember it has no return value
- Experimental
Macros are used to declare some static and dynamic value, it is declared with the reserved word def
followed by the name
and then the value
that is dynamic the user does not indicate the type that the macro will be. Example:
def quality 1024
## OUTPUT: 1024
def xd 23
def xd 46 ## ERROR: Unable to shade a macros.
dec xd int -> 345 ## ERROR: You cannot declare a variable with the name of a macro
The macros in the future will have a complement that will be the macro conditionals. Example:
def mod 234
ifdef mod {
println("mod is defined")
import files and functionsloops
macros complements
a complements for macros (ifdef)
String data Type,SUCCESS✓
functions return value and parameters type.SUCCESS✓
a macros implementationWorking