- 0
- 0
The Diff Links dont work for GitLab
#58 opened by grahambrown11 - 0
read_changelog lists markdown links
#57 opened by clragon - 4
Android Usage?
#46 opened by Psiiirus - 0
[Fastlane.swift] No return value
#56 opened by ammerzon - 3
how to write message??
#55 opened by Odyflame - 5
- 0
make section_identifier optional
#54 opened by aprilmintacpineda - 1
- 1
Workflow with version change happen outside fastlane
#50 opened by pke - 1
- 1
New action to combine changelogs
#48 opened by guillaq - 1
- 1
- 4
- 5
Github comparison link tag is inverted
#32 opened by iBenjamin - 1
- 5
- 5
Unable to load plugin
#20 opened by hernangonzalez - 1
Documentation error for read_changelog example
#21 opened by ferrerod - 1
Plugin holding open files? Unable to delete windows workspace due to busy git pack file
#25 opened by VermaGa - 1
Changelogs not being updated to TestFlight
#31 opened by joelgetaction - 6 from another git repo
#30 opened by RishabhTayal - 1
Multilanguage changelog
#29 opened by Emailrus - 0
Extend update_changelog functionality
#2 opened by pajapro - 1
Standard changelog
#27 opened by azachar - 5
Exclude/Preserve lines when stamp_changelog
#22 opened by Blackjacx - 1
Add support for Bitbucket tag comparison
#15 opened by pajapro - 7
Better integration with `commit_version_bump`
#8 opened by dusek - 2
Incorrect tag name in compare links at bottom
#12 opened by mathroule - 3
stamp_changelog not adding tags correctly
#11 opened by simonbs - 1
Incorrect use of line separator
#13 opened by mathroule - 2
#1 opened by pajapro - 5
- 2
- 1
- 1
Remove white space following markdown element
#9 opened by pajapro - 0