
Tweaks for F-Secure Anti-Virus for Mac

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Tweaks for F-Secure Anti-Virus for Mac

F-Secure has an anti-virus product for Mac OS X, called F-Secure Mac Protection in its "Technology Preview" incarnation and F-Secure Anti-Virus for Mac in the retail version. Detailed in this file and repository are tweaks I have made to make it suit my needs better.

See: http://www.f-secure.com/en/web/home_global/protection/anti-virus-for-mac/overview and http://www.f-secure.com/en_EMEA-Labs/beta-programs/home-users-beta/fsmac/

NOTE: This is not endorsed by F-Secure in any way. I am simply documenting this because I want to repeat the steps I have taken, and in the off chance someone else might find this useful, all the better. If things break, you're on your own.


  • Product upgrade notifications (signature updates should work, but you will not receive notifications about full product upgrades until the UI is launched).
  • Database update notifications (not necessary, but some people find it oddly reassuring).
  • Display malware name for infected files?
  • Make a script that does everything described in this document automatically

Disabling real-time scanning

First: https://gist.github.com/1021702

then (optional, but reduces syslog noise): sudo launchctl unload -w /Library/LaunchDaemons/com.f-secure.clstate-periodic.plist

Disabling the UI

sudo /usr/local/f-secure/bin/loginitem - "`find /Applications -name 'F-Secure Mac Protection.app' -depth 2`"
killall fscuif

The user-interface can still be launched manually from the Applications folder, for example to scan files or manage your subscription.

Install Growl

We'll use it for displaying important information. Find it here: http://growl.info/

To speed things up, you can run the included script install-growl.sh, which may or may not be able to automatically download and install the latest version of Growl and growlnotify.

Install growlnotify

(Naturally, you can skip this if you have successfully run install-growl.sh).

Available as in the 'Extras' folder in the Growl (http://growl.info/) installer dmg. This will be used in the next section for setting up automatic scanning of downloaded files.

Set up scanning of downloaded files

Start Automator and create a new Folder Action. Select your "Downloads" folder as the target by "Folder Action receives files and folders added to". Drag the "Run Shell Script" action into the Automator flow, and add a code snippet like this (adjust path to where you have checked out fsmactweaks):

  /Users/rasmus/fsmactweaks/folderaction.sh "$@"

Automator screenshot

You can test if it works by downloading the EICAR test file from http://www.eicar.org/ - the file should get .virus appended to its name and you should get a sticky Growl notification telling you that the file is malware.

Create similar Folder Actions for all folders where regularly receive files, for example through BitTorrent. If you're using Transmission, it may make sense to set the "Keep incomplete files in..." preference to a temporary directory and then add the Folder Action to the folder where the completed downloads are moved.

Set up license reminder

If your license expires, you won't get any updates from F-Secure, which would kind of defeat the point of having an anti-virus. Without the F-Secure UI running, you won't notice if that happens. That's where the checklicense.sh script comes in handy, and its launchd(8) plist file that will run it once per day to let you know if you need to take action. To set up, modify the plist file so that the path to checklicense.sh matches your system, then run.

  launchctl load /Users/rasmus/fsmactweaks/nu.dll.fsmactweaks.licensecheck.plist

(also modify the path to wherever the plist file is located on your system, of course)