
npm install --save express-static-file-cache

Middleware to cache your Pug, Jade, EJS, or other Express compliant templates as static html. The api gives you the ability to wholesale clear the cache as needed. As a side effect, also gives you the ability to pod organize your jade templates with the middlewares that show them.

Streaming to return content to the user is faster than compiling the entire response first. Static files are streamed by default in express, but many templates do not support streaming. So, even if you cache all database interactions, a static html page will be faster than templating that doesn't support streaming.


configure and clearCache are available directly from the npm.

require('express-static-file-cache').configure({ ... })

Configure return a middleware function to use in your app.


  • app : required - the express app being used
  • cacheDir : required - path to root directory of cache
  • express : required - express
  • verbose : optional - if truthy will console log some extra info
  • viewEngine : optional - defaults to pug – options: 'pug', 'jade', or 'ejs' - fallsback to jade if pug is not present and vice versa (in case you are not passing in viewEngine and relying on the default)
  • dev : options - defaults to false - true will send the response but not cache it to a file
var express = require('express'),
    app = express();
    app         : app,
    express     : express,
    cacheDir    : cacheDir

Now in your downstream middleware:

var path = require('path');

function(req, res, next) {
    res.cache(require.resolve('./view.jade', data);


Calling this method will delete all static cache files. Returns a promise that is resolved once all files are cleared.

clearCache is available both directly from the npm and on the response object:

var staticCache = require('express-static-file-cache')

db.on('content-changed', function() {


function(req, res, next) {
    if (timeToClearCache()) {
            .then(function() {
    } else {


res.cache and res.clearCache are available as methods on the response object downstream from the addition of the middleware.

To add the caching middleware, use the method returned after configuration:

res.cache(templatePath, templatingData)

res.cache takes the path to a jade template and the data to be used. It will send the response and write a static html file with that repsonse to `path.join(req.url, 'index.html');

function(req, res, next) {
    res.cache(require.resolve('./view.jade'), {
        name : 'jane'


Deletes all static cache fiels and returns a promise that is resolved once done.

Directory Structure

Since res.cache takes a path to the Jade file to be used, you can modularize your jade templates.

For example if you always call res.cache(require.resolve('./view.jade'), data), you can organize your "pages" as follows:
