Pinned Repositories
Nakshatra Citizen - COBOL PGM to extract dates of birth from BIG DATA in DB2 using SQL queries in batch processing. Displays some analytics, statistics with horizontal bar view and writes them to the QSAM dataset.
Batch and console quiz game about IBM mainframe written in COBOL programming language
zEM - z/arch Enterprise Monitor sends z/VM *MONITOR events in real time to Android app users on mobile or watch devices.
z/VM Performance Monitor - zpm(c) is a Java client cooperating with database tables created by zpmd (z/VM V5.3 Performance Monitor Daemon) software. It presents system usage and actual events.
z/VM Performance Monitor Daemon: zpmd for z/Linux running under z/VM V5.3 on IBM mainframe. It processes and gathers data from DCSS used by Monitor System Service (*MONITOR). Records are written to MySQL database.
pak-center's Repositories
Nakshatra Citizen - COBOL PGM to extract dates of birth from BIG DATA in DB2 using SQL queries in batch processing. Displays some analytics, statistics with horizontal bar view and writes them to the QSAM dataset.
Batch and console quiz game about IBM mainframe written in COBOL programming language
zEM - z/arch Enterprise Monitor sends z/VM *MONITOR events in real time to Android app users on mobile or watch devices.
z/VM Performance Monitor - zpm(c) is a Java client cooperating with database tables created by zpmd (z/VM V5.3 Performance Monitor Daemon) software. It presents system usage and actual events.
z/VM Performance Monitor Daemon: zpmd for z/Linux running under z/VM V5.3 on IBM mainframe. It processes and gathers data from DCSS used by Monitor System Service (*MONITOR). Records are written to MySQL database.