
An animatable and customizable progress bar that can be used as a single or multiple bars.

Primary LanguageSwiftApache License 2.0Apache-2.0


pod-version pod-platform

An animatable progress bar that can easily be used to display progress.


  • Swift 4.2
  • iOS 10 or later



Add the following to your Podfile:

pod 'ProgressBarKit'


For a full deep-dive, refer to the full documentation.


It's very easy to start using the progress bar. Simply:

  1. Import and initialize
  2. Setup
  3. Set progress value

But... i need more customization. Sure, go straight here!

Import and Initialize

import ProgressBarKit

class ViewController: UIViewController {
    lazy var progressBar: ProgressBar = {
        ProgressBar(trackColour: [.black], barColour: [.purple])

Intial Setup

Specify the UIView that will be the progress bar's container view and initializes the progress bar in it.

progressBar.setup(in: myContainerView)

Important: This method should only be called ONCE, and only in viewDidLayoutSubviews to ensure the container has already been laid out correctly by AutoLayout.

Set Progress Value

Animates the progress bar from 0 until the given percentage value (in decimal number) of the total width of the progress bar container view.

ie. Given, value = 0.75 and containerView.frame.width is 100 The progress bar will only be expanded until a width of 0.75 * 100 which is 75 points.

progressBar.setProgressBarValue(to: 0.75)

Note: This method should only be called after calling setupProgressBar(in:) to ensure the progress bar is already initialized.

Advanced Usage

So your designer put or you wanted a little bit more challenge to your design. Fret not, ProgressBarKit mostly got you covered!

1 progress bar with default BAR and TRACK configuration

let bar = ProgressBar(trackColour: [.black], barColour: [.purple])

1 progress bar with custom BAR configuration

let barConfig = PBBarConfiguration(
    roundingCorners: [.allCorners],
    cornerRadii: CGSize(width: 8, height: 8)

let bar = ProgressBar(trackColour: [.black], barColour: [.purple], configurations: [.bar: barConfig])

1 progress bar with custom TRACK configurations

let trackConfig = PBTrackConfiguration(
    roundingCorners: [.allCorners],
    cornerRadii: CGSize(width: 8, height: 8),
    edgeInsets: UIEdgeInsets(top: 2.5, left: 2.5, bottom: 2.5, right: 2.5)

let bar = ProgressBar(trackColour: [.black], barColour: [.purple], configurations: [.track: [trackConfig]])

2 or more progress bars with default and custom TRACK configurations

let firstTrackConfig = PBTrackConfiguration(
    roundingCorners: [.topLeft, .bottomLeft],
    cornerRadii: CGSize(width: 8, height: 8),
    edgeInsets: UIEdgeInsets(top: 2.5, left: 2.5, bottom: 2.5, right: 2.5)

let lastTrackConfig = PBTrackConfiguration(
    roundingCorners: [.topRight, .bottomRight],
    cornerRadii: CGSize(width: 8, height: 8),
    edgeInsets: UIEdgeInsets(top: 2.5, left: 2.5, bottom: 2.5, right: 2.5)

// use default values
let otherTrackConfig = PBTrackConfiguration()

// this will display 3 tracks with different configurations, and
// you can have some fun here by adding more configs into the array, and
// watch the magic happens!
let configs = [firstTrackConfig, otherTrackConfig, lastTrackConfig]
let bar = ProgressBar(trackColour: [.black], barColour: [.purple], configurations: [.track: configs])

2 or more progress bars with GRADIENT track and bars

// use default values
let defaultTrackConfig = PBTrackConfiguration()

// this will display the track and bar in gradient colours
// you can have some fun here by adding more colours into the array, and
// watch the gradient colour changes!
let gradientTrackColours: [UIColor] = [.black, .white]
let gradientBarColours: [UIColor] = [.red, .purple]

let configs = [defaultTrackConfig, defaultTrackConfig, defaultTrackConfig]
let bar = ProgressBar(trackColour: gradientTrackColours, barColour: gradientBarColours, configurations: [.track: configs])


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See LICENSE file for details